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Electricians + TAFE Queensland = industry current

TAFE Queensland - a shining example of solar training responsiveness


  • TAFE Queensland has been providing electrical training to Hembrows Electrical apprentices since the latter’s establishment, more than 40 years ago.

  • This year, Hembrows Electrical staff reached out to TAFE Queensland and in consultation with TAFE staff, identified electives, which if introduced and successfully completed, would ensure that their apprentices would be able to apply for their CEC Accreditation, through the Clean Energy Council.

  • The solar install and grid connect electives request was made in February 2023, and subsequently incorporated and included in the new training package by April 2023. A responsive and incredibly quick turnaround, that will have a significant positive effect.
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Hembrows Electrical

Hembrows Electrical services various regions spanning Cairns to the Gold Coast, providing residential, commercial, reticulation, air-conditioning and energy-conserving services. TAFE Queensland has trained Hembrows Electrical apprentices (more than 100 apprentices) since their doors opened in 1978.

TAFE Queensland provides apprentice-level block training for this client, for the following qualifications:

  • Certificate III in Electrotechnology (Electrician)
  • Certificate III in Light Vehicle Mechanical Technology

Hembrows Electrical apprentices attend TAFE Queensland Acacia Ridge, Bracken Ridge, Eagle Farm, Nambour and Cairns campuses.


The Hembrows Electrical team identified electives, which if included and completed, would ensure that apprentices could apply for their CEC Accreditation, through the Clean Energy Council.

These electives would offer the skills and knowledge required to complete site surveys for grid-connected photovoltaic and battery storage systems, as well as the skills to install and grid-connect photovoltaic systems.

Employers want people with this mix of technical and up-to-date green skills, as it gives them the skills and flexibility needed to work in the low-carbon economy of the future.


“February this year was when we first reached out to TAFE Queensland about the solar electives being offered in the new training package. After a couple of meetings with TAFE staff, we had our first apprentice signed up for the solar electives in April. So it was quite a quick turnaround for such a wide-reaching issue,” shared James Caldwell, Hembrows Electrical's Director.


Hembrows Electrical electricians will now have the skills the trade requires and that the community needs for renewable energy growth.

These new electives include:

  • UEERE0054 – Conduct site survey for grid-connected photovoltaic and battery storage systems
  • UEERE0080 – Install photovoltaic power conversion equipment to grid
  • UEERE0081 – Install photovoltaic systems to power conversion equipment
  • UEERE0077 – Install battery storage to power conversion equipment to grid

This will see apprentices eligible to apply for a CEC accreditation as soon as they have their electrical licence, allowing them to install and grid-connect solar PV systems.

Future plans

Apprentices will complete the new electives commencing at TAFE Queensland Eagle Farm campus in 2024/2025, which will continue and be a permanent inclusion as part of Certificate III in Electrotechnology (Electrician).

How we can help your business

TAFE Queensland can help upskill your workforce and take advantage of funding opportunities