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Information for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people

The sky is your limit at TAFE Queensland.  Our courses, partnerships and supports are here to help you define your greatness. 

About TAFE Queensland

TAFE Queensland is Queensland's largest, most experienced training provider. We deliver practical, industry-relevant training across a range of industries from entry-level certificates to bachelor degrees, at more than 60 locations in Queensland.


Indigenous Program types

  • Cultural Arts 
  • Primary Health Care
  • Education - RATEP 
  • Housing Repairs and Maintenance  


Away from Base courses: study away from home

TAFE Queensland has a range of courses specifically for First Nations students.  These courses are generally delivered through residential study blocks at one of our campuses.

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Accommodation assistance

The Indigenous Youth Mobility Program provides accommodation options for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students wishing to relocate from a remote or regional community to study or take up an apprenticeship. You must be between 16-24 years of age and engaging in accredited training to be eligible.


first nations people having a conversation

Indigenous Student Support Officers (ISSOs)

Our team of Indigenous Student Support Officers (ISSOs) are here to support your student journey from the start. We can assist you to reach your goals in a culturally supportive way and provide assistance with applications, enrolment, ABSTUDY, Away from Base, tutoring or AccessAbility support, and referrals to other community service providers. 

Explore our study areas


Take a look at everything we have on offer by the area of study that interests you the most. Choose from over 400 entry-level certificates to degree-level courses across a wide variety of industries. Whatever your interest, we know you’ll find a pathway to your dream career.

View all study areas

RATEP - community-based education

The RATEP program assists Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to become registered teachers or qualified teacher aides. The program is a partnership between TAFE Queensland, James Cook University, and the Queensland Education Department. Choose to study at a number of RATEP sites throughout Queensland, as well as a via an off-site model. Successful completion of a certificate or diploma course in education or child care with TAFE Queensland opens up pathways towards a Bachelor of Education qualification at James Cook University.

Applying made easy - First Nations resources

Five steps to success - apply your way

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Depending on what you want to study, you can apply a few different ways.

Preparing your documents

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To apply and enrol you need to provide ID that shows where you live and your birth date. 

Applying for ABSTUDY

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As an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander student or apprentice, you can apply for ABSTUDY support. 

Away from Base course list

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We deliver a number of courses via residential study blocks for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students. 

Away from Base information

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Find out what Away from Base includes, who is eligible, where you can study and how to apply. 

Money support to study

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Here's a snapshot of ways to get funding support to help with the cost of your study or training. 

What to bring

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Get ready for your study, training or residential block with this handy checklist. 

Here to help

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Here is some guidance on what to do and how we can help you when things change for you. 

Stronger together

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Achieve success in your study journey with support available all around you. 


SEE program explained

If you’re looking for full-time work, and are registered as a job seeker with Centrelink, you may be eligible for the Skills for Education and Employment (SEE) program. Offered through TAFE Queensland, the program will help you practice interviewing for jobs, earn qualifications to stand out in the hiring process, and learn new skills in areas including retail, business, IT, and hospitality.

Yarning for Growth
Peer mentoring program

TAFE Queensland’s Yarning for Growth program connects new First Nations students with mentors who can provide advice, guidance, and support as they embark on their learning journey.

We are currently looking for new mentors to join the program. As a mentor you will:

  • Meet new people
  • Make friends
  • Join a community of students
  • Share culture and TAFE experience.

Thank you for your commitment to fostering supportive learning communities and advancing reconciliation.

If you would like to be a mentor complete the Join Student Voice form and follow these steps to Join Student Voice:

  1. Provide your details
  2. Select Ambassador as the Student Voice role you are interested in
  3. Select Peer Mentors Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Ambassador as the Ambassador type
  4. Click Register now

You will receive a welcome email and be provided a link to the Yarning for Growth Peer Mentoring Unit and commence the mentoring program.


If you would like a mentor email student.voice@tafeqld.edu.au add MENTEE REQUEST to the subject line, advise: your name, student number, the qualification you are studying and at what campus. You will receive a reply email and be linked with the mentoring program.

Students socialising and walking at TAFE Queensland campus

Away from Base courses

You don't need to live near one of our campuses to study a course with us. We deliver a number of courses via residential study blocks. These courses are registered as Away from Base Mixed-Mode Program (AFB) courses, which mean you may be able to have your travel, accommodation and meal allowances paid for you when you attend residential blocks. To be eligible you must qualify for ABSTUDY and meet other entry requirements.

Student Voice at TAFE Queensland

We are passionate about engaging collaboratively with TAFE Queensland’s diverse student body to help shape and inform the teaching and learning environment. To facilitate this, Student Voice at TAFE Queensland framework has been developed to provide opportunities for students and alumni to actively participate in decision making.

Payment options

If you don't qualify for a scholarship there are plenty of other options available to help you pay your course fees. Find out about our full range of payment options including loans, payment plans, as well as subsidised training and concessions


Indigenous health scholarships

The Puggy Hunter Memorial Scholarship Scheme is designed to assist undergraduate students in health-related disciplines to complete their studies and join the workforce. It provides scholarships for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people studying an entry-level health course.

Learn more

Care2Achieve Scholarships

Young women between 17-21 years old who are leaving or have left care are eligible for a Care2Achieve scholarship to complete tertiary studies through university or TAFE. The scholarship offers financial support, mentoring and assistance in connecting with future potential employers.

Learn more

Pearl Duncan Teaching Scholarship

The Pearl Duncan Teaching Scholarship is open to participants in the Remote Area Teacher Education Program (RATEP). It provides up to $20,000 over four years as well as the opportunity of a permanent teacher position at a Queensland state school.

Learn more

Other Queensland Government Scholarships

There are a number other Queensland Government related scholarships accessible for First Nations people.

Learn more

Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP)

TAFE Queensland's Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) has been developed to demonstrate our commitment to closing the gap to ensure our first Australians are afforded the same opportunities for learning and prosperity that everyone enjoys in Australia.

Learn more

The First Nations Education Strategy

The First Nations Education Strategy reiterates TAFE Queensland’s strong commitment to ensuring the educational experience for all students acknowledges and is increasingly respectful of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories, cultures and contributions. The strategy is aimed at increasing First Nations student success, retention and completion rates.

The activities listed within the strategy provide the building blocks for an organisation-wide approach to advance and strengthen TAFE Queensland’s commitment to a culture built on diversity, inclusion and belonging a  culture where our students and employees feel safe, valued and accepted.

Please take a moment to read the Strategy and learn more about how TAFE Queensland education strategies and policies will facilitate an ongoing focus on the importance of reconciliation and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander knowledge, cultures and values.

It is important for all of us at TAFE Queensland to champion the rights and dignity of First Nations students and help foster an environment where diversity is not just acknowledged but celebrated.

Totems newsletter

Latest edition

Totems features success stories of our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students.  Inside you'll find inspirational stories of their training achievements and career outcomes. 

First Nations Case Studies

selina tafe student
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