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Support for students at risk policy (Higher Education)

TAFE Queensland acknowledges the diverse backgrounds, characteristics and abilities of students and aims to provide a safe, equitable and inclusive learning environment that enables all students to access support opportunities to achieve their study goals. TAFE Queensland is committed to ensuring its students are provided with the support and resources required to assist them to be successful in their studies.


Provides a policy position for the provision of student support services to ensure all higher education students have the best chance of success in their studies, even when they are at risk of not succeeding.

Policy Intent:

TAFE Queensland acknowledges the diverse backgrounds, characteristics and abilities of students and aims to provide a safe, equitable and inclusive learning environment that enables all students to access support opportunities to achieve their study goals. TAFE Queensland is committed to ensuring its students are provided with the support and resources required to assist them to be successful in their studies.

This policy outlines how TAFE Queensland supports students who are identified as being at risk of not successfully completing their units of study. This policy also outlines the support available to students to assist them (and all students) with successfully completing their units of study. Student support outlined here also includes TAFE Queensland processes for ensuring that students are aware of available support options.

Policy Principles:

TAFE Queensland is committed to the following principles for the management of student support:

Principle 1: TAFE Queensland will inform prospective students about courses, entry requirements and available support services to enable students to make informed decisions.

Principle 2: TAFE Queensland will consult with students about their support needs.

Principle 3: TAFE Queensland will foster an inclusive learning environment that is free from discrimination and harassment, to minimise impacts on student well-being in the TAFE Queensland learning environment.

Principle 4: TAFE Queensland will minimise barriers to learning by making reasonable adjustments (see Definitions) to enable students to achieve their potential.

Principle 5: TAFE Queensland will monitor support services provided to enable the continuous improvement of student support practices.


The General Manager, Operations is accountable for ensuring the management and maintenance of this policy, including ensuring its continued appropriateness to the business, compliance with legislation and external requirements and periodic review.

TAFE Queensland Operations Managers (Higher Education) and academic faculty are responsible for administering this policy for TAFE Queensland.

3.1 This policy applies to TAFE Queensland's:

  • TAFE Queensland Core Staff
  • TAFE Queensland Core Students - Higher Education
  • Academic Third Parties

TAFE Queensland’s Approach to Student Support:

Informing Students about Course Requirements and Support Services:

4.1  TAFE Queensland will provide accessible information and advice about academic and non-academic support services to prospective and current students, and to staff. A range of formats and diverse communication strategies will be used. These include:
(a)  Web course marketing;
(b)  Open days;
(c)  Inductions / Orientation / Information sessions;
(d)  Course brochures, course guides, student handbooks;
(e)  Unit Study Guides;
(f)   In-class Information sessions;
(g)  Unit Connect Shells – Learning Management System
(h)  Student Newsletters
(i)    On-campus posters, signage;
(j)    Student Rules and Policies; and
(k)  Upon request, in person, via phone, email or internet.

4.2  TAFE Queensland will provide accurate information regarding course specific entry requirements to enable prospective students, including international students, to make informed choices prior to application and/or enrolment.

4.3  International students will be required to meet English proficiency entry requirements as detailed in the online brochure.

4.4  Higher Education domestic students will be required to meet English language proficiency Standards, in addition to course-specific English language requirements, and English language requirements of professional accreditation bodies in courses that are professionally accredited.

4.5  Where specified for government subsidy such as FEE-HELP Loans for Higher Education (HE), students will be required to meet advertised pre-requisite and entry requirements including any language, literacy and numeracy (LLN) requirements for their relevant course of study.

4.6  TAFE Queensland will identify and manage any potential risks in admitting young persons into a predominantly adult learning environment. A risk assessment will be undertaken to determine a young person’s suitability for their nominated course. All International student admissions will be managed according to the international rules.

4.7  As part of the development of the TAFE Queensland Teaching and Learning Plan and course delivery plans, Educators will identify the characteristics of the typical learner cohort and any educational and student support services required to support the learner cohort.

Consulting with Students about their Specific Support Needs:

4.8  TAFE Queensland will consult with students about any disclosed or identified disability, impairment or long-term condition and negotiate the type and level of services to be provided to enable the student to participate in learning and assessment.

4.9  Ideally this consultation will occur prior to the student’s first study period (where disclosed on admission), however if the disclosure occurs while the student is studying, any reasonable adjustments as per the student’s AccessAbility Plan will be arranged by the beginning of the next enrolled study period at the latest.

Creating an Inclusive Environment to Minimise Impacts on Student Well-Being:

4.10  TAFE Queensland will provide a safe learning environment and ensure student support service resources meet the needs of enrolled students, regardless of study mode. Where the student is studying offshore, this will be according to the negotiated contractual arrangements. Where a student has a disclosed disability and gives their permission, this will include the creation of an AccessAbility Plan. Third party providers will meet their obligations to provide an inclusive environment as per their contractual agreement.

Minimising Barriers to Learning by Providing Learning Support:

4.11  TAFE Queensland is committed to providing appropriate support services to all learners and will explore all possible external funding opportunities to enable identified support requirements.

4.12  Information about and/or referrals to support will be at no cost to students. Likewise, in accordance with the Disability Discrimination Act 1992, disability support services will be provided at no additional cost to students, except in circumstances where the provision of additional support services is considered unreasonable or would impose unjustifiable hardship to TAFE Queensland, staff or other students.

4.13  Educators will be informed of their role and responsibility in identifying students with learning needs, providing student support strategies, monitoring student progression, and implementing reasonable adjustment and inclusive learning processes to support students to achieve success. Educators will be provided with a range of resources, professional learning opportunities and support.

4.14  Only authorised support personnel will be permitted to attend class to support students. In-class support by a student’s recognised carer may be accommodated for a student with a disability under reasonable adjustment arrangements. Recognised carers attending classes where students under 18 are present will require a Blue Card in accordance with the Working with Children Act 2000.

4.15  Support services and individually customised support programs may differ from location to location. Relevant work instructions and other resources for individual locations will be provided to educational and support services staff.

Protection of Student Privacy and Confidentiality:

4.16  In accordance with the Information Privacy Act 2009 (Qld), personal information about a student's identified needs will not be provided to any other person or agency unless TAFE Queensland has obtained the student’s consent, or the disclosure is otherwise permitted or required by law.

4.17  Information about a student's identified needs will be stored in the Student Management System or trusted business system, kept confidential and only communicated to relevant TAFE Queensland staff (e.g. educational staff conducting the learning and assessment) where appropriate for the purposes of administering and providing support.

Managing Conflicts of Interest:

4.18  All TAFE Queensland staff who undertake student support must ensure that their actions are transparent, accountable, and provide sufficient distance and rigor to remove any risk of real or perceived conflict of interest.

4.19  A staff member must not be involved in student support for:
(a)  Students who are family members;
(b)  Students with whom they are in a close personal relationship;
(c)  Students for whom they are acting as Homestay Hosts; or
(d)  Themselves.

4.20  In cases where the student is from one of the categories listed in the above section, the staff member must:
(a)  Declare a conflict of interest; and
(b)  Separate themselves from the activity.

4.21  TAFE Queensland will endeavour to identify students needing additional support so that the support is respectful, timely, equitable, consistent and procedurally fair. TAFE Queensland will:
(a)  Have in place strategies to identify students who require additional support to achieve their academic potential, including engagement with students prior to census date;
(b)  Support the mental health and wellbeing of its students through a range of educational and support initiatives, including engagement with students prior to census date;
(c)  Identify and refer students with academic and/or non-academic support needs to access support from relevant internal and external support services, including those who have previously been identified as requiring additional support, but have not previously engaged with support services;
(d)  Improve staff understanding to assist in the development of informed views, behaviours and attitudes towards students requiring additional academic or non-academic support;
(e)  Have effective procedures in place for the disclosure and management of information about students with academic or non-academic support requirements, which comply with Privacy legislation;
(f)   Have in place effective procedures for dealing with student incidents.

Supporting Documents:

4.22  Whilst TAFE Queensland is committed to offering a supportive learning environment, the amount of support that can be given is limited and TAFE Queensland does not seek to duplicate services that the community already provides. TAFE Queensland’s policies and procedures for upholding academic standards and maintaining good behaviour are applicable to all students.

4.23  This policy is published in accordance with TAFE Queensland’s obligations under the Higher Education Support Act 2003 (Cth) (HESA) and should be read in conjunction with the guidelines and procedures related to this policy.

Students at Risk:

4.24  TAFE Queensland will monitor student engagement to identify students who may be at risk of not successfully completing their units of study in accordance with the Higher Education Academic Progression Procedure and supporting instruments.

4.25  The identification and specific support processes for students at risk (including responsibilities for identification and reporting) are outlined in the Higher Education Academic Progression Procedure.

4.26  When a student is identified as being academically at risk in a particular unit of study and requires access to support services before census date, the respective support service will provide that support in a timely manner and communicate that the census date is the date the student will incur a FEE-HELP debt.

4.27  Students who are identified as being at academic risk or not successfully completing Unit/s of Study and require academic advice should be directed in a timely manner (before census date where relevant) to the appropriate support service to ensure they have the best chance of being successful in their unit/s of study. The student will be provided with an individualised Higher Education Student Support Plan.

Support Services Provided by TAFE Queensland:

4.28  TAFE Queensland will provide appropriate, inclusive and accessible support services to our students to ensure a positive and successful education experience. Support services are offered either directly or through third parties; numerous support options are in place to assist students in successful completion of their units of study. Such options include:

AccessAbility Support:

4.29  Students will be consulted about any disclosed or identified disability, impairment or long-term condition. An assessment of a student’s support needs will be undertaken to facilitate the provision of reasonable adjustment and disability support services.

4.30  TAFE Queensland will implement reasonable adjustment to provide students with identified needs the same learning opportunities as other students including:
(a)  Modification of educational premises or equipment, learning and assessment resources and/or courses to allow access, participation or increase engagement;
(b)  Scribes, note takers, sign language interpreters or specialist personnel to support students learning; and
(c)  Assistive technology, both hardware and software, to enable the student to participate on the same basis as other students.

4.31  When reasonable adjustment is applied to learning and assessment, the Educator must ensure the integrity of the unit of study / qualification is preserved and the adjustments are documented as per TAFE Queensland requirements.

Language, Literacy and Numeracy (LLN) and Learning Support:

4.32  LLN assessment will be used to:
(a)  Determine course entry eligibility;
(b)  Recommend specific support services to the student; and
(c)  Identify any additional learning requirements.

Students who are assessed as needing further support will be fully informed of the options available to them and referred to relevant support teams.

4.33  Students needing significant additional support may be required to defer their enrolment in their nominated course of study in order to undertake a pathway course to improve their LLN skills. If the decision is to enrol a student in a lower-level qualification / Foundation Skills course, this must be documented as per TAFE Queensland requirements.

4.34  Students with additional learning needs, students from disadvantaged backgrounds, or students returning to formal education after periods of full-time employment or unemployment may be eligible to access a variety of TAFE Queensland services to support their learning including:
(a)  Additional tutorials provided by qualified specialist staff;
(b)  Foundation skills training; or
(c)  General study skills support.

Counselling Services and Career Guidance:

4.35  TAFE Queensland will provide students with access to counselling services that include personal or crisis counselling to address issues that may affect their studies and welfare. Counsellors will provide referrals to specialised services for those requiring longer-term support.

4.36  The types of counselling and career guidance support available through TAFE Queensland includes:
(a)  Counselling (including mental health and wellbeing and/or financial matters) and advocacy services;
(b)  Critical Incident or crisis support;
(c)  Career assessment tools; and
(d)  Career advice and assistance with resume and interview skills.

Indigenous Support:

4.37  TAFE Queensland offers specific Indigenous support to students from Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Island backgrounds, aimed at improving learning outcomes. This support will be provided through the TAFE Queensland Indigenous Support Officers Network and/or through coaching and mentoring support.

LGBTIQ+ Support:

4.38  TAFE Queensland staff will support the needs of all students who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, and queer (LGBTIQ+). TAFE Queensland will:
(a)  Create a respectful learning environment;
(b)  Address incidences of discrimination, harassment and/or victimisation;
(c)  Provide access to appropriate facilities within reason; and
(d)  Provide information regarding amending TAFE Queensland records.

International Student Support:

4.39  In addition to the support services available to all students, international students have access to dedicated support services to assist with issues such as safety, health, accommodation, course progress and attendance requirements.

Library Services Support:

4.40  Through the TAFE Queensland library, students will have access to a range of resources to assist with assignment research and referencing, job search, job applications, interview skills and resume writing.

4.41  Learning Skills Centres at specific TAFE Queensland Libraries also provide face to face help across a broad range of topics and can work with students to create individual learning plans and goals.

English Language and Cultural Support:

4.42  TAFE Queensland offers free Adult Migrant English Programs (AMEP) to eligible new migrants to Australia.

4.43  TAFE English Language and Literacy Services (TELLS) funds Community Liaison Officers who support English language students by providing culturally appropriate counselling and problem solving. They will also offer advice to TAFE Queensland Educators in relation to supporting these students.

Information and Communication Technology Support:

4.44  To ensure online systems are secure and accessible, TAFE Queensland will comply with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines and the International Organisation for Standardisation Information Security Code of Practice ISO 27002.

4.45  TAFE Queensland will provide video tutorials, online and printable reference guides, and troubleshooting support to students undertaking their study online through the Connect learning management system and other web conferencing platforms in use.

4.46  Free WiFi is available for students at most TAFE Queensland locations.

Third Party Student Support Provision:

4.47  TAFE Queensland Monitoring Officers will regularly monitor the services provided by Third Party providers to ensure students receive the same level of support as other TAFE Queensland students.

TAFE Queensland Educators and Services Staff:

4.48  TAFE Queensland will provide education and development to academic and support staff relevant to TAFE Queensland’s support for students, including but not limited to:
(a)  Professional development seminars/workshops;
(b)  Staff induction and orientation and onboarding activities including training in identification and support of ‘at risk’ students; and
(c)  Ensuring policies and procedures are supported by appropriate templates and guidance.

Monitoring and Continuous Improvement:

4.49  Students with AccessAbility Plans and Higher Education Student Support Plans will be regularly monitored (at least annually) and their plans adapted if required.

4.50  TAFE Queensland will monitor Student Support Services through the implementation of the Student Satisfaction Survey.

4.51  TAFE Queensland also invites prospective and current students to provide feedback about their experiences in writing, by phone, online via the TAFE Queensland website, online via social media platforms, via email or in person. Feedback is used to continually improve TAFE Queensland Student Support Services.

4.52  TAFE Queensland will review this policy annually for quality assurance, to identify opportunities for improvement to the policy and to ensure it remains fit for purpose and consistent with the requirements of the HESA 2003 (Cth).

Higher Education Publication and Reporting

4.53  TAFE Queensland will publish this policy, as well as more information regarding support for students, on its website and any other internal sites as deemed appropriate. It will be communicated via weblink to any new student indicating their interest in applying for a FEE-HELP loan.

4.54  TAFE Queensland Higher Education Lead Product Regions will collate relevant data in accordance with the requirements of the Higher Education Provider Guidelines 2023 (Chapter 10) and will provide such data for reporting purposes when requested.

4.55  TAFE Queensland will provide a report to the Department of Education annually on the implementation of this policy, in a format and manner as requested by the Minister for Education, and in accordance with the requirements of the Higher Education Provider Guidelines 2023 (Chapter 10A) and the HESA 2003.

4.56  The annual report will include de-identified information on:
(a)  How TAFE Queensland is implementing this policy, and its success;
(b)  Any opportunities identified by TAFE Queensland to improve this policy, and outcomes for students, including information on complaints received from students related to this policy;
(c)  Examples of how this policy has assisted students to successfully complete the units of study in which they are enrolled;
(d)  Where this policy can be found on the TAFE Queensland website;
(e)  The number of students identified as requiring support, separated by academic Department;
(f)   The support provided for those students identified above;
(g)  The academic progression and outcomes for students identified above;
(h)  The academic outcomes for all students;
(i)    The HELP loans provided for failed units of study for each student identified as requiring support, and the HELP loans provided for failed units of study for all students; and
(j)    The number of staff involved in implementing this policy. 


Services to enable a person with a disability, impairment or long-term condition to participate on the same basis as a person without a disability. This may include but is not limited to: reasonable adjustments to teaching learning and assessment; modification of educational premises and equipment within reason; assistive technology, both hardware and software; and interpreters, disability tutors/coaches and scribes.

AccessAbility Plan:

A plan used to support students who require reasonable adjustment to undertake their studies. This plan should be tailored to meet the individual student’s needs and developed in consultation with the student. It must be initiated at time of enrolment/prior to reasonable adjustment being implemented and must be fully developed by appropriately qualified staff.

Additional Support:

Any support provided to a student that is over and above the general academic support provided by educational staff during study.

Adult Migrant English Programs:

English Language and Cultural Support for eligible new migrants to Australia. TAFE Queensland liaises with communities to ensure courses:

  • Provide practical information for living, working and studying in Australia; and
  • Are tailored to specific learning needs and goals.

Adult and Migrant English Programs Pathway Guidance Officers work with English language students to:

  • Liaise with communities to identify specific training needs and to provide advice on initiatives;
  • Provide culturally appropriate counselling and problem solving; and
  • Represent TAFE Queensland at community events, information sessions, meetings and cultural celebrations.

At Risk in Higher Education

A student is ‘At Risk” if there is a chance the student may not successfully complete a Unit of Study. The identification of students ‘at risk’ is outlined in the Higher Education Academic Progression Procedure.

There are academic and non-academic reasons that place a student ‘At Risk’. Some of those include:

  • Identified/non-identified learning difficulties.
  • Long term/serious illness or injury
  • A traumatic experience
  • Financial difficulties
  • Not attempting/submission assessment tasks
  • Failing assessment tasks
  • Excessive number of mandatory learning session/s missed.
  • Insufficient supervisor in the workplace as part of a professional placement
  • The student has not previously engaged with the support services offered.
  • The student has previously failed to successfully complete a unit of study in their course of study.
  • The student demonstrates low levels of student participation in the unit of study, i.e. student has not attended any classes or engaged with any of the unit content online.


Disability may be temporary or permanent, total or partial, life-long or acquired. Disability is sometimes referred to as ‘impairment’ and includes physical, intellectual, psychiatric, psychosocial, sensory, neurological and learning disabilities. It also includes physical disfigurement and the presence in the body of disease-causing organisms.

International Student:

A person (whether within or outside Australia) who holds a student visa as defined by the Education Services for Overseas Students Act 2000 as an Overseas student. Where the student is under 18 years of age and the student is required to exercise rights or enter obligations as a legal person, this term may refer to the student’s parent or legal guardian. International students study in Australia.

Learning Support:

Additional learning, literacy, and numeracy and general study skills support provided to students. This support can be delivered within a classroom setting, outside of the traditional classroom setting, online or via other communication methods.

Language, Literacy and Numeracy Assessment:

A tool used to determine a student’s reading and numeracy level in relation to the Australian Core Skills Framework (ACSF). The bksb is available to all students in all courses.

Offshore Student:

A student enrolled in a TAFE Queensland course outside Australia.

Reasonable Adjustment:

A measure or action taken by an education provider to enable learners with disability to participate in education and training on the same basis as learners without disability. Its purpose is to make it possible for learners with disability to:

  • Participate fully, with the same learning opportunities as learners without disability; and
  • Have the same opportunity to perform and complete assessments as those without disability.

Reasonable adjustment in teaching, learning and assessment activity lessens the impact of an individual’s disability on their capacity to learn. The learner still needs to do the work and demonstrate the required knowledge. Reasonable adjustment does not give learners with disability an advantage over others, nor does it change course standards and outcomes, or guarantee success. Every reasonable adjustment needs to be justifiable and must uphold the integrity of the qualification. Reasonable adjustment must balance the interests of all parties affected including those of the student with the disability, the education provider, staff and other students.

Higher Education Student Support Plan:

A Higher Education (HE) Student Support Plan is used to communicate the support recommendations for a specific student that has been identified as being at risk of not successfully completing their Unit/s of Study.

The HE Student Support Plan will be tailored to meet the individual student’s needs and must be developed in consultation with the student. The HE Student Support Plan will be developed at the time the student has been identified as being ‘at risk’ i.e. as soon as the need is identified.

In all instances, the HE Student Support Plan must be developed and monitored by appropriately qualified staff.

Unjustifiable Hardship:

Unjustifiable hardship is when complying with the Disability Standards for Education 2005 imposes an excessive burden on the education provider, staff or other students. Refer to Part 1 of the Disability Discrimination Act 1992. TAFE Queensland will take into account all relevant circumstances when assessing unjustifiable hardship including:

  • Benefit or detriment to any persons concerned;
  • Disability of the person; and
  • Financial impact on the organisation.


Anti-Discrimination Act 1991
Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF)
Disability Discrimination Act 1992
Disability Standards for Education 2005
Education Services for Overseas Students Act 2000
Higher Education Standards Framework (Threshold Standards) 2021
Higher Education Support Act (HESA) 2003 and guidelines
Higher Education Provider Guidelines 2023
Information Privacy Act 2009 (Qld)
National Code of Practice for Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students 2018
Web Content Accessibility Guidelines