The One Business program is designed to create more pathways for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander (Indigenous) people to have increased participation in Queensland’s economy. It’s an opportunity for you to work with experienced Indigenous trainers and other businesses from your wider community, to consolidate your business skills, network and explore new opportunities for innovation and business change. The One Business program is available to all Aboriginal people and Torres Strait Islanders who are innovators, entrepreneurs and/or own a micro to small and medium-sized business.
Building Connections
One Business encourages participates to build networks with other participants in the workshop sessions, participating in the online Alumni group and utilising the networks of the trainers to expand your networks across the state and throughout Australia.
Participating in the entire program is not required - you can decide which workshops are relevant to your needs. But focusing on your business, business idea or innovation through all stages of the program will ensure the best outcomes, allowing business consolidation and honing of your skills for better and more innovative performance.
The program in detail
The Queensland-wide One Business Program consists of 5 key elements:
1. Online specialised content each week
2. Face-to-face workshop programs
3. Online support and networking forum
4. Phone and one-on-one support
5. Showcasing and Meet the Buyer Expos
Our Full Curriculum
The comprehensive One Business workshop program has been developed to support innovators, entrepreneurs, start-ups and business leaders in their business journey.
- Foundations
o Strategy and Planning
o Marketing and customers
o Finance
o Legal for small business - Futures
o Small Business Technology
o Cybersecurity
o Social media for small business
o Showcasing your business with media - Showcase
o Pitch Training
o Regional Small Business Expo - showcasing your business at the regional Indigenous business expos, allowing you to pitch and promote your business at an event and to grow your capability talking about your business. The Expo also provides an opportunity for all businesses to promote themselves to the wider community, including council, corporate, government agencies and industry bodies.

TAFE Queensland One Business is proudly funded via Queensland Government’s Paving the Way: First Nations Training Strategy
Upcoming workshops
3 September Week 1: Spring Clean Your Business Strategy
17 September Week 2: Revitalise Your Marketing and Branding
10 September Week 3: Declutter Your Finances
24 September Week 4: Organise Your Workspace for Productivity
1 October Week 5: Clean Up Your Customer Relationships
8 October Week 6: Refresh Your Products and Services
15 October Week 7: Plan for Growth: Setting Up for the Summer Season
22 October Week 8: Reflect and Celebrate Your Progress
29 October Preparing Your Business for the Christmas Season
5 November Marketing Your Business for the Holidays
12 November Financial Planning for Year-End
19 November Customer Appreciation and Retention
26 November Reflecting on the Year
3 December Goal Setting for 2025
10 December Preparing for a Fresh Start in January
17 December Building Resilience and Adaptability for the Year Ahead
Doomadgee’s ‘Paving Our Way’ small business event
Business-minded locals from Doomadgee are now in the know thanks to the Doomadgee Small Business Event that included three days of workshops, information sessions and networking activities.
The three-day event included a community BBQ engagement, community information session and a TAFE One Business ‘Splash Day’.
Participants at the event, which included a TAFE One Business “Splash Day”, were provided with a broad range of information about small business options, licencing requirements, tax obligations as well as grants and programs available that support small businesses.
The event was delivered by the Department of Youth Justice, Small Business, Employment and Training and TAFE One Business representatives
One Business 2020 - 2023
Muriel Wymarra, Peak Social Work
Group Accountability Sessions (GAS)
Participants will meet regularly and share their dreams, frustrations, and the goals they are working towards. Group Accountability Sessions are business related. Participants are supportive, like-minded business owners who meet frequently to tackle tricky tasks. These sessions are particularly useful for tasks that require concentration but aren’t super urgent; those pesky actions that slip out of focus when more time sensitive matters arise. Examples could be:
- General admin
- Updating your business plan
- Creating content.
You could have one-off requirements each time or be chipping away at a longer-term project. Ultimately, if you’re ready to try something different to get productive, then this is the session for you
Dedicated phone resource available to Queensland First Nations businesses
A new phone resource service is available for Queensland Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander businesses needing advice and support.
The One Business Resource line links First Nations business intenders, owners and operators to relevant government (and other) services to assist them to build business capacity and capability. Services may include coaching and mentoring, resources, tools and other support to help start, run or grow their business in Queensland.
This service 0460 285 352 is delivered by the TAFE Queensland One Business team from Monday – Friday, and is funded by the Queensland Government under Paving the Way – The First Nations Training Strategy