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9. Student refunds

What You Need to Know

TAFE Queensland may provide you with a refund of Tuition Fees in a number of circumstances where it’s not possible for you to continue with your studies.

In particular, TAFE Queensland will provide a refund of Tuition Fees when:

  1. You withdraw from a qualification, unit/s of competency, or course in the circumstances outlined below; and
  2. TAFE Queensland cancels a qualification, unit/s of competency, or course and a suitable alternative can’t be found for you.

Rules for Domestic Students

A refund of Tuition Fees may be provided in the following circumstances:

NumberCircumstanceRefund Amount
1Withdrawal from a qualification or unit/s of competency prior to the start of study date (or on or before the Census date for FEE-HELP and VET Student Loans eligible students)Full Tuition Fee refund

A Refund Administration Fee will be applied to process your refund application (except for FEE-HELP and VET Student Loans eligible students).
2TAFE Queensland cancels a qualification or unit of competencyFull Tuition Fee refund

A Refund Administration Fee will not be applied.


Rules for International Students

A refund of Tuition Fees may be provided in the following circumstances:

NumberCircumstanceRefund Amount
1Visa Rejection (before course commencement date)

Full Tuition Fee refund

A Visa Rejection Administration Fee of $500 or 5% of Tuition Fee will be applied, whichever is lower, as required by the Education Services for Overseas Students (Calculation of Refund) Specification 2014 (Cth)

2Visa Rejection (after course commencement date)Pro-rated Tuition Fee refund

(A Refund Administration Fee will not be applied to the student refund, as required by the Education Services for Overseas Students (Calculation of Refund) Specification 2014 (Cth)
3Withdrawal from course more than 12 weeks before course commencement date

80% Tuition Fee refund

A Refund Administration Fee will be applied.

4Withdrawal from course 5-11 weeks before course commencement date

60% Tuition Fee refund

A Refund Administration Fee will be applied.

5Withdrawal from course 0-4 weeks before course commencement date

​40% Tuition Fee refund

A Refund Administration Fee will be applied.

6Withdrawal prior to acceptance of offer

Full Tuition Fee refund

A Refund Administration Fee will be applied.

7Letter of Offer rescinded by TAFE Queensland due to a student's failure to provide the documents required for course commencement

Full Tuition Fee refund

A Letter of Offer Rescinded Refund Administration Fee of $500 will be applied.

8Student withdrawal after course commencement date

No refund for current or previous semesters (or study periods for ELICOS courses)

Full Tuition Fee refund for future study semesters (or study periods for ELICOS courses)

A Withdrawal after Course Commencement Date Refund Administration Fee of $500 will be applied.


* For International students refunds will also consist of a refund of all Additional Fees if you withdraw prior to the course commencement date (or later date as agreed by TAFE Queensland).

* Refund Administration Fee refers to the prescribed Domestic Student Refund Administration Fee and International Student Refund Administration Fee in the Student Fee Schedule, to contribute to the reimbursement of costs in TAFE Queensland processing student refund applications.


The following exceptions apply for domestic and international student refunds:

  1. Students who have their enrolment cancelled by TAFE Queensland as a result of academic or behavioural misconduct under the TAFE Queensland Student Rules and Policies are not eligible for a refund of Tuition Fees for any training after the start of study date/course commencement date (or after the Census date for FEE-HELP and VET Student Loans eligible students);
  2. For students approved to withdraw from a qualification, unit/s of competency, or course prior to the start of study date/course commencement date (or on or before the Census date for FEE-HELP and VET Student Loans eligible students) to re-enrol in another qualification, unit/s of competency, or course within TAFE Queensland:
    • For students originally enrolled in non-FEE-HELP and VET Student Loans funded programs, the student refund amount will be credited to the fees owing for the later enrolment, or refunded if enrolling in a FEE-HELP or VET Student Loans funded program. A Refund Administration Fee will not be applied; and
    • For students originally enrolled in FEE-HELP and VET Student Loans funded programs, a student refund will be provided. A Refund Administration Fee will not be applied.
  3. For students receiving an approved deferral from TAFE Queensland, the deferred fees will be held by TAFE Queensland for the agreed period of the deferral;
  4. For students who have an outstanding debt with TAFE Queensland, approved refunds will be applied to the debt prior to any remaining balance being paid to the student;
  5. For domestic students who are enrolled in unit/s of competency or courses in which they have applied for a credit transfer, students will receive a full refund if the credit transfer application is successful and they have applied for the credit transfer prior to the start of study date/course commencement date (or on or before the Census date for FEE-HELP and VET Student Loans eligible students). A Refund Administration Fee will not be applied;
  6. For international students, students who are enrolled in and have paid fees for a course in which they have applied for a credit transfer will receive a full refund for the relevant unit/s of the course if the credit transfer application is successful, regardless of the timing of the credit transfer application. A Refund Administration Fee will not be applied;
  7. Student who are enrolled under User Choice funding and have unit/s of competency cancelled by the employer will receive a full refund. A Refund Administration Fee will not be applied;
  8. Students who are enrolled under User Choice funding and withdraw prior to the start of study date will receive a full refund. A Refund Administration Fee will not be applied;
  9. Students who are enrolled under User Choice funding and withdraw from unit/s of competency after the start of study date will receive a pro-rated refund. A Refund Administration Fee will apply; and
  10. In the event of a student’s death whilst they are undertaking a qualification, unit/s of competency, or course TAFE Queensland will provide a refund to the estate of the deceased. A Refund Administration Fee will not be applied.

In exceptional cases of special circumstances outside of these rules, TAFE Queensland may consider a student refund application supported by independent supporting documentation. In cases of special circumstances, TAFE Queensland will determine the refund amount. A Refund Administration Fee will apply.

When considering whether special circumstances should be recognised and applied to student refund applications, TAFE Queensland must be satisfied that the circumstances:

  • Are beyond the student’s control;
  • Did not make full impact until on or after the unit/course commencement date; and
  • Made it impracticable for the student to complete the requirements of the unit or course in the period during which the person undertook, or was to undertake the unit or course.

Examples of special circumstances include:

  1. Medical circumstances (illness or injury), supported by a doctor’s statement;
  2. Family/personal circumstances, supported by a statement from a TAFE Queensland counsellor or Director of Faculty;
  3. Course related circumstances, supported by a statement from the Director of Faculty;
  4. Employment related circumstances (domestic students only), supported by a statement from your employer; and
  5. You accept a place offered through QTAC or higher education institution for the current semester supported by evidence of acceptance of offer (domestic students only).

What You Need to Know

Student Refund Applications

If you are withdrawing from a unit or course, or making any changes to your enrolment, you may be eligible for a refund. To apply for a refund please complete the Request for Withdrawal and/or Refund Form in the Student Portal or submit an International Student Course Withdrawal Form (for international students) to your TAFE Queensland region. Please be aware if you choose to withdraw from a unit or course after your start of study, you may still need to pay a fee.

All student refund applications must be made within:

  • 12 months of the close of study date (for domestic students); and
  • 6 months of the close of study date for the semester, or study period for ELICOS courses, that the refund applies (for International students).

Student Refund Decisions

Your TAFE Queensland region will make its decision within 20 business days (or process and pay the refund within 28 calendar days for International students), (or 14 days in cases of TAFE Queensland default) of receiving all the information required to support your application.

If you are not eligible for a student refund, your TAFE Queensland region will formally notify you of its refund decision in writing.

If you do receive a student refund, TAFE Queensland will provide you with the refund to your nominated bank account.

Reviews of Student Refund Decisions

What You Need to Know

If you are dissatisfied with the outcome of your student refund request TAFE Queensland will provide you with the option of requesting an internal review. Your internal review request must be made within 20 business days.

TAFE Queensland will provide written notice of the appeal decision within 20 business days of the internal review request being received.

If you are dissatisfied with the outcome of the internal review you may request an external appeal via the Queensland Ombudsman.

Useful Forms

Student Refund Application (PDF, 123KB)

Student Portal Form - Request for Withdrawal/and or Refund