About the program
The Queensland Future Skills (QFS) Partnership is led by BHP Mitsubishi Alliance (BMA) and includes TAFE Queensland and CQUniversity as education partners. The partnership has been working with industry experts, community organisations and government since late 2019 to fast-track responsive co-design and delivery of training to support the implementation of autonomous technology in mining.
These skillsets have been provided at no charge to participants through investment from the Queensland Resources Industry Development Plan as part of the Queensland Future Skills Partnership funded by BHP Mitsubishi Alliance.
We recommend nominating no more than one skillset per individual. Delivery dates and modes will be dependent on the review and award of EOI applications.
This skillset provides the skills and knowledge required to understand a range of architecture, structure, functions, protocols, and components of a computer network to build a simple network and establish end to end connectivity. Participants will learn how to identify, document and provide solutions to network related problems in the context of the technical environment.
Participants undertaking this skillset are expected to have existing relevant qualifications. No licensing, legislative, regulatory or certification requirements apply to this unit at the time of publication however participants may be subject to restrictions or additional requirements based on operational, site or workplace policies and procedures.
Units of competency:
VU22324 Build a simple network and establish end to end connectivity
This unit of competency describes the knowledge and skills required to apply an understanding of the architecture, structure, functions, protocols, and components of a computer network to build a simple network and establish end to end connectivity.
No licensing, legislative, regulatory or certification requirements apply to this unit at the time of publication.
ICTNWK308 Determine and action network problems
This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to identify, document and provide solutions to network related problems in the context of the technical environment.
It applies to individuals involved in frontline technical support, who maintain network continuity by isolating and rectifying network problems as they arise.
No licensing, legislative or certification requirements apply to this unit at the time of publication.
This skillset involves the skills and knowledge required to safely isolate, disconnect and reconnect high voltage (HV) electric propulsion components on engine driven, self-propelled earth moving vehicles under the restrictions of designated electrical equipment and conditions specified, operating at 3,300 volts.
The skillset requires a license or permit to practice in the workplace where work is carried out on electrical installations which are designed to operate at voltages greater than 50V alternating current of 120V direct current, and is subject to regulations directly related to licensing. It includes safe working practices, following workplace procedures for hazard identification and risk control and adherence to safety practices for electrotechnology workers.
Participants undertaking this skillset are required to hold existing relevant qualifications and meet the requirements of the Electrical Safety Office. This skillset is restricted to students who can meet the regulatory, legislative, and licensing conditions applicable, which need to be confirmed prior to participation.
Units of competency:
UEECD0007 Apply work health and safety regulations, codes and practices in the workplace
This unit involves the skills and knowledge required to apply work health and safety (WHS)/occupational health and safety (OHS) regulations and codes of practices in the electrotechnology workplace.
No licensing, legislative or certification requirements apply to this unit at the time of publication.
UEERL0007 Disconnect-reconnect 3.3 kV electric propulsion components of self-propelled earth moving vehicles (Release 1)
This unit involves the skills and knowledge required to isolate, disconnect and reconnect high voltage (HV) electric propulsion components on engine driven, self-propelled earth moving vehicles under the restrictions of designated electrical equipment and conditions specified, operating at 3,300 volts (V).
Additional and/or other conditions may apply in some jurisdictions subject to regulations related to electrical work. Practice in the workplace and during training is also subject to work health and safety (WHS)/occupational health and safety (OHS) regulations.
This skillset involves the skills and knowledge required to ensure the cyber security of digital devices, promote cyber security in a work area and identify and report online security threats to limit potential impact of cyber security breaches. It applies to those working in a broad range of industries who as part of their job role maintain, support and promote cyber security.
Participants undertaking this skillset are expected to have existing relevant qualifications. No licensing, legislative, regulatory or certification requirements apply to this unit at the time of publication however participants may be subject to restrictions or additional requirements based on operational, site or workplace policies and procedures.
Units of competency:
BSBXCS401 Maintain security of digital devices
This unit describes the skills and knowledge required ensure the cyber security of digital devices.
No licensing, legislative or certification requirements apply to this unit at the time of publication.
BSBXCS402 Promote workplace cyber security awareness and best practices
This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to promote cyber security in a work area.
No licensing, legislative or certification requirements apply to this unit at the time of publication.
BSBXCS302 Identify and report online security threats (Release 1)
This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to identify and report online security threats to limit potential impact of cyber security breaches.
No licensing, legislative or certification requirements apply to this unit at the time of publication.
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This skill set involves the skills and knowledge required to capture, store, test and analyse transactional and non-transactional big data from a range of sources. It includes using established methodologies and techniques to obtain data sets prior to storing, assembling, processing and identifying key information contextualised to the needs of the audience or work area, according to industry practices, organisational policies, procedures and protocols and providing reporting, recommendations and insights in an appropriate and accessible format.
Participants undertaking this skillset are expected to have existing relevant qualifications. No licensing, legislative, regulatory or certification requirements apply to this unit at the time of publication however participants may be subject to restrictions or additional requirements based on operational, site or workplace policies and procedures.
Units of competency:
BSBXBD401 Capture and store big data (Release 1)
This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to capture and store transactional and non-transactional big data obtained from a variety of sources. It involves using methodologies and techniques to obtain big data sets.
No licensing, legislative or certification requirements apply to this unit at the time of publication.
BSBXBD402 Test big data samples (Release 1)
This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to test captured transactional and non-transactional big data samples prior to using them in the organisation.
No licensing, legislative or certification requirements apply to this unit at the time of publication.
BSBXBD403 Analyse big data
This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to analyse transactional and non-transactional big data in order to provide insights that are used in an organisation.
No licensing, legislative or certification requirements apply to this unit at the time of publication.
BSBXBD406 Present big data insights
This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to present insights relating to transactional and non-transactional big data in a format that is appropriate and accessible to the work area requesting it.
No licensing, legislative or certification requirements apply to this unit at the time of publication.
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This skillset provides the skills and knowledge required to apply troubleshooting to existing digital control systems to control faults or enhance performance, using fault-finding processes and techniques using big data in organisational and cloud-based systems. It provides participants with the ability to identify, analyse and respond to a range of unexpected situations in Industry 4.0 environments, and contribute to resolutions through collaboration across multidisciplinary teams and the provision of effective communications, reporting and analysis.
Participants undertaking this skillset are expected to have existing relevant qualifications and may be subject to licensing, legislative or certifications according to state and worksite requirements which need to be confirmed prior to participation.
Unit application statements:
VU22314 Troubleshoot digital control systems
This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge to apply troubleshooting responses to existing digital control systems to correct faults or vary and enhance performance.
The skills and knowledge described in this unit do not require a license to practice in the workplace provided equipment is not connected to installation wiring at voltage above 50 V a.c. or 120 V d.c. However, other conditions may apply in some States/Territories subject to regulations related to electrical work.
VU22317 Analyse and manage big data in cloud-based systems
This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to analyse and manage big data in cloud-based systems.
No licensing, legislative, regulatory or certification requirements apply to this unit at the time of publication.
RIICOM201E Communicate in the workplace
This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to communicate in the workplace in the resources and infrastructure industries and other industries with relevant work practices and procedures.
No licensing, legislative or certification requirements apply to this unit at the time of publication.
VU22310 Work in Industry 4.0
This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge to work effectively within the Industry 4.0 environment.
This skillset provides the skills and knowledge required to use structured process improvement tools to solve problems related to network technologies using the required tools, equipment, software and protocols. It provides participants with the ability to analyse and troubleshoot networking and cloud computing concepts and ICT equipment including hardware and software, switches and routers and apply systemic processes to fault find across a range of ICT disciplines.
Participants undertaking this skillset are expected to have existing relevant qualifications. No licensing, legislative, regulatory or certification requirements apply to this unit at the time of publication however participants may be subject to restrictions or additional requirements based on operational, site or workplace policies and procedures.
Unit application statements:
ICTNWK541 Configure, verify and troubleshoot WAN links and IP services
This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to use required tools, equipment, software and protocols to install, operate and troubleshoot switches and routers in a medium-size enterprise network.
No licensing, legislative or certification requirements apply to this unit at the time of publication.
VU22316 Apply principles of networking technologies for engineering and manufacturing applications (22460VIC)
This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to analyse network technologies to install and configure a basic network for manufacturing and engineering applications.
No licensing, legislative, regulatory or certification requirements apply to this unit at the time of publication.
ICTSAS446 Fault find and troubleshoot ICT equipment, hardware and software problems
This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to troubleshoot Information and Communications Technology (ICT) equipment, hardware and software problems and apply systematic processes to fault finding across a wide range of ICT disciplines.
No licensing, legislative, or certification requirements apply to this unit at the time of publication.
MSMSUP390 Use structured problem solving tools
This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to use structured process improvement tools to solve process and other problems.
No licensing, legislative or certification requirements apply to this unit at the time of publication.
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This skillset provides the skills and knowledge to diagnose faults in complex vehicle, vessels or machinery systems in complex Industry 4.0 environments, using structured process improvement tools and problem solving methodologies to solve process and other faults in complex vehicle, vessels or machinery systems. This involves the confirmation of complex system faults, implementing diagnostic techniques and making recommendations for repairs and to restore system performance.
Participants undertaking this skillset are expected to have existing relevant qualifications and may be subject to licensing, legislative or certifications according to state and worksite requirements which need to be confirmed prior to participation.
Unit application statements:
MSMSUP390 Use structured problem-solving tools
This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to use structured process improvement tools to solve process and other problems.
No licensing, legislative or certification requirements apply to this unit at the time of publication.
VU22310 Work in Industry 4.0
This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge to work effectively within the Industry 4.0 environment.
AURTTA121 Diagnose complex system faults
This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to diagnose faults in complex vehicle, vessels or machinery systems to determine the repair action necessary to restore system performance.
No licensing, legislative, regulatory or certification requirements apply to this unit at the time of publication.
RIIMPO501D Implement, monitor, rectify and report on mobile plant and equipment system
This unit describes a participant’s skills and knowledge required to implement, monitor, rectify and report on mobile plant and equipment systems in Civil construction, Coal and Metalliferous mining and Extractive.
Licensing, legislative, regulatory and certification requirements that apply to this unit can vary between states, territories, and Industry sectors. Relevant information must be sourced prior to application of the unit.
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This skillset provides the skills and knowledge required as the initial responder of diverse situations in Industry 4.0 environments through effective communication, planning, working collaboratively and productively across multi-disciplinary teams. It provides participants with the ability to monitor and report on heavy vehicle interactions and movements and to identify and rectify site operating problems in the resources and infrastructure industries.
Participants undertaking this skillset are expected to have existing relevant qualifications and may be subject to licensing, legislative or certifications according to state and worksite requirements which need to be confirmed prior to participation.
Unit application statements:
RIICOM201E Communicate in the workplace
This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to communicate in the workplace in the resources and infrastructure industries and other industries with relevant work practices and procedures.
No licensing, legislative or certification requirements apply to this unit at the time of publication.
VU22310 Work in Industry 4.0
This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge to work effectively within the Industry 4.0 environment.
RIIMPO403D Monitor interaction of heavy and light vehicle
This unit develops a participant’s skills and knowledge required to monitor interaction of heavy and light vehicles and mining equipment in the Coal and Metalliferous mining and Extractive.
Licensing, legislative, regulatory and certification requirements that apply to this unit can vary between states, territories, and Industry sectors. Relevant information must be sourced prior to application of the unit.
RIIBEF202E Identify and rectify site operating problems
This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to identify and rectify site operating problems in the resources and infrastructure industries.
Licensing, legislative and certification requirements may apply to this unit and can vary between states, territories and industry sectors. Users must check requirements with relevant body before applying the unit.
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This skillset provides the skills and knowledge required to develop, enter and verify word/text and analogue control programs for programmable logic controllers (PLC) for systems requiring discreet control functions. It provides participants with the ability to work safely and according to written instructions while using control systems and development methods using ladder diagrams, statement lists and function block diagram instruction sets. The skillset includes installing and testing programs requiring advanced control functions using structure logic and acceptable design techniques.
Participants undertaking this skillset are expected to have existing relevant qualifications. No licensing, legislative, regulatory or certification requirements apply to this unit at the time of publication however participants may be subject to restrictions or additional requirements based on operational, site or workplace policies and procedures.
Unit application statements:
UEEIC0013 Develop, enter and verify discrete control panels for programmable controllers
This unit involves the skills and knowledge required to develop, enter and verify programs for programmable logic controller (PLC) (also known as programmable controller) for a system requiring discrete control functions.
No licensing, legislative or certification requirements apply to this unit at the time of publication.
UEEIC0015 Develop, enter, verify word and analogue control programs for PLC
This unit involves the skills and knowledge required to develop, enter and verify word/text and analogue control programs for programmable logic controllers (PLCs).
No licensing, legislative or certification requirements apply to this unit at the time of publication.
VU22313 Implement and problem solve a PLC-based industrial control system
This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to implement, test and problem solve a Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) based industrial control system.
No licensing, legislative, regulatory or certification requirements apply to this unit at the time of publication.
UEECD0007 Apply work health and safety regulations, codes and practices in the workplace
This unit involves the skills and knowledge required to apply work health and safety (WHS)/occupational health and safety (OHS) regulations and codes of practices in the electrotechnology workplace.
No licensing, legislative, regulatory or certification requirements apply to this unit at the time of publication.
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This skillset provides the skills and knowledge required to develop, enter and verify programs in supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems, including developing and entering programs using dedicated software and monitoring, maintaining, verifying and documenting programming activities ensuring that this work is conducted following workplace procedures for hazard identification and risk control. This also includes electrotechnology worker responsibilities and adherence to safe work practices in high-risk work functions.
Participants undertaking this skillset are expected to have existing relevant qualifications. No licensing, legislative, regulatory or certification requirements apply to this unit at the time of publication however participants may be subject to restrictions or additional requirements based on operational, site or workplace policies and procedures.
Unit application statements:
VU22314 Troubleshoot digital control systems
This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge to apply troubleshooting responses to existing digital control systems to correct faults or vary and enhance performance.
VU22315 Use SCADA to monitor and control an industrial system
This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to monitor and maintain a Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system.
UEECD0007 Apply work health and safety regulations, codes and practices in the workplace
This unit involves the skills and knowledge required to apply work health and safety (WHS)/occupational health and safety (OHS) regulations and codes of practices in the electro technology workplace.
No licensing, legislative or certification requirements apply to this unit at the time of publication.
UEEIC0013 Develop, enter and verify discrete control panels for programmable controllers
This unit involves the skills and knowledge required to develop, enter and verify programs for programmable logic controller (PLC) (also known as programmable controller) for a system requiring discrete control functions.
No licensing, legislative or certification requirements apply to this unit at the time of publication.
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This skillset provides the skills and knowledge to configure autonomous embedded systems within an Industry 4.0 environment based on work instructions and to plan, program, connect, test and adjust embedded system components. This provides participants with the ability to handle technical information needs, including the assessment, collation, processing and sharing of technical information effectively and accurately.
Participants undertaking this skillset are expected to have existing relevant qualifications. No licensing, legislative, regulatory or certification requirements apply to this unit at the time of publication however participants may be subject to restrictions or additional requirements based on operational, site or workplace policies and procedures.
Unit application statements:
VU22310 Work in Industry 4.0
This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge to work effectively within the Industry 4.0 environment.
NAT10935006 Configure autonomous embedded systems
This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to configure autonomous embedded systems.
No occupational licensing, certification or specific legislative requirements apply to this unit at the time of publication.
NAT10935002 Handle technical communication in autonomous environments
This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to handle technical information needs within an autonomous environment.
No occupational licensing, certification or specific legislative requirements apply to this unit at the time of publication.
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