Beétor Ingilíc
Beétor Zindigi
Noya foóñsóya ókkol ólla maana Ingilíc sóbok ókkol
Baalek Híjoroti Ingilíc forugram or baabote
- Australíat táka, hamgorá arde fonná forá’lla amóli Ingilíc fonná cíko.
- Hókumot arde cómaji hédmot ókkol kengóri estemal goré cíkoó.
- Noya dustó ókkol bano zará Australíat éhon bodoli aiccé.
- Ham ollá toiyar ói táko yá fonná foró ar plan goró tuáñr mustakbal ollá.
Laayeki magás (mafoni)
- Tuáñrtu fémli, mahéri, insániyoti, bou-zamai yá monzuri diya tooitta víza uggwá asé.*
- Tuñí Ingilíc hotá/forá/leká gorí no faró yá tuáñr Ingilíc torki goríbélla lager.
- Tuñí 18 bosór ór uore óiyo. Kessú 15-17 bosóijja híjoroti hoissa fuain ó laayek óitfare.
*Meérbanigorí nuth goróde monzuri diya tooitta víza ókkol ót máze ham arde cútkir víza, hamgoréde cútkir víza yá ziyarot or víza ókkol cámil nái.
Larazadé fonná forár ektiyar ókkol
- Fura thaim yá adá-thaim fonná foró Queensland ór zaga ókkol ót.
- Hémayot goráza uggwá volóntiyar góror masthor or torfóttu zodi tuñí fura thaim uçí nofaró.
- Onláin fonná cíko, duróttu cíka torika loi
Aññí kláss ót ki cíkkoum?
- Kláss uggwá juáin goró zibát tuáñr tobkar Ingilíc lói munaséf ó.
- Hémayot goráza añárar Cómaji Raabeta Ofísar ókkol ór torfóttu ar tuáñr Keis Menéjar torfóttu zecómot tuñí fonná cíko.
- Australíar hamor zagar zuban, solasol arde pretís gorá ókkol ór baabote cíkoó.
- Ingilíc thucin aró estemal goró zodi tuáñrtu fonná hom tákede ó yá mockil ókkol asé ziyán é tuáñr cíkar kaabeliyoti ré asór goré
- Maana fuain dekbal estemal goró zecómot tuñí Ingilíc foró (ofuzutto óile)
- Intarbyu ókkol ólla toiyar goró ar résumé uggwá lekó.
Añárar Ingilíc kláss ókkol ór baabote ehón enkuari goró

The AMEP is funded by the Australian Government Department of Home Affairs. In Queensland, the AMEP is delivered through TAFE Queensland.
Ploy Thaowanpiput is living her own Australian dream – raising her family and finding work that she loves.
Toowoomba's AMEP Youth students raised funds for an overnight stay at Camp Cooby, located by Lake Cooby, offering rock climbing, archery, and canoeing.
Suruchi travelled from Nepal to Australia to seek better opportunities and ultimately found her calling within the AMEP team at TAFE Queensland. An initiative she holds close as she understands the challenges and triumphs.
Sophya's inspiring journey from AMEP student to dedicated volunteer at TAFE Queensland is a testament to the impact of the Adult Migrant English Program. Having experienced the challenges of settling in a new country, Sophya is now using her knowledge and experiences to support other migrant and refugee women through the 'Stronger Women, Stronger Communities' program
After a life-changing move to Australia, 18-year-old Pitak found safe ground at TAFE Queensland.
In Rockhampton, three migrants have found employment in their fields since joining the Adult Migrant English Program at TAFE Queensland.
AMEP student Karina is reaching new heights! Her journey from being the first female fighter pilot in Chile to passing the Australian Aviation Exams and resuming her commercial aviation career is nothing short of inspiring.
Monica Agoth is from South Sudan, having relocated to Australia as a refugee with her mother and seven brothers and sisters in August 2003. What followed was a very tough journey of education, working hard and career successes — with TAFE Queensland playing an integral role, every step of the way.
Awards, degrees, and new business ventures: Brisbane refugees are forging impressive pathways after finding settlement support at TAFE Queensland.
After brushing up on her English skills at TAFE Queensland through the Adult Migrant English Program (AMEP), Candice is now working as a dental assistant with Queensland Health.
Escaping genocide in 2014, for Maysaa Shani Baqi the past 10 years have included both challenges and opportunities — from moving to Toowoomba and studying with the Adult Migrant English Program (AMEP) to employment with TAFE Queensland and now a new career focus.
TAFE Queensland is celebrating Miriam ‘Mim’ Davies, whose work at our Inala campus (and beyond) has earned her a spot on the finalists’ podium for the Australian Training Awards on Friday 6 December 2024.