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Right to information

The “Right to Information” (RTI) is the Queensland Government's approach to giving the community greater access to information.

The Queensland Government has made a commitment to provide the community with greater access to Government-held information, unless, on balance, it would be contrary to the public interest to provide that information.

The reforms implemented by the Information Privacy Act 2009 (Qld) (IP Act) and the Right to Information Act 2009 (Qld) (RTI Act) aim to make more information available to the public, provide equal access to information across all sectors of the community and provide appropriate protection for individuals' privacy.

Visit the Queensland Government Right to Information website to more information about RTI.

On this page, you will find details of how to access information held by TAFE Queensland, including how to make an official RTI application.

If you wish to access information held by TAFE Queensland, we recommend that in the first instance you check whether the information is already available through our Publication Scheme or Disclosure Log.  

If you are unable to find the information you are seeking through our Publication Scheme or Disclosure Log, please contact TAFE Queensland to discuss whether the information is able to be released via another mechanism (such as administrative access).

A formal application under the RTI Act or the IP Act will be required if TAFE Queensland considers no other access mechanisms (including administrative access) are available.

TAFE Queensland employees can access and update their personal information through the Employee Self-Service function in Aurion.  TAFE Queensland students can access and update their personal information through the Student Portal


TAFE Queensland has an Administrative Access Scheme to reduce the need for formal applications seeking disclosure of personal information under the IP Act. 

Our Administrative Access Scheme allows us to handle requests in a streamlined and informal way, and as such our response time is often significantly shorter.  Substantially the same information can be accessed through this administrative process as can be accessed through a formal application under the IP Act. 

To request access to an individual’s personal information through our Administrative Access Scheme, you should email the following to RTI@tafeqld.edu.au:

1. a description of the specific information you are requesting (e.g. ‘a copy of John Smith’s unofficial academic history’);

2. evidence of the individual’s identity (e.g. a photocopy of John Smith’s passport that has been certified by a Justice of the Peace, lawyer, Commissioner for Declarations or notary public); and

3. if your request is on the behalf of another individual, evidence of your authority to do make this request (e.g. an ‘authority to act’ document signed by John Smith). 

Please note that some personal information will be deemed too sensitive to release under our Administrative Access Scheme.  In such cases, we must consider your request via a formal application under the IP Act.  You will be advised if this is the case once we have reviewed your request.

If you are a current or former TAFE Queensland student you can make an informal request for your personal information by emailing the above information directly to the region at which you studied:

Contact Brisbane - RTI.brisbane@tafeqld.edu.au

Contact SkillsTech - generalmanager.skillstech@tafeqld.edu.au

Contact Gold Coast - rti.goldcoast@tafeqld.edu.au

Contact East Coast - rti.eastcoast@tafeqld.edu.au

Contact North - righttoinformation.north@tafeqld.edu.au

Contact South West - studentdatateam.southwest@tafeqld.edu.au


Application form

To make an official formal application for access to information held by TAFE Queensland you must complete a Right to Information and Information Privacy Access Application form and lodge it with the TAFE Queensland RTI Officer (see below for further details).

You may apply under the IP Act if:

  • all of the documents you are applying for contain your personal information; or
  • you are acting on behalf of another person, and all of the documents contain that person’s personal information

You should apply under the RTI Act in all other cases.  If in doubt, please contact the TAFE Queensland RTI Officer for assistance.

A copy of the application form can be found at - Right to Information and Information Privacy Access Application (PDF, 159 KB)

How to lodge

You may lodge your completed application form:

  • in person at any TAFE Queensland campus (who will forward your application to the TAFE Queensland RTI Officer);
  • by mail to RTI Officer, Office of TAFE Queensland, TAFE Queensland, PO Box 1910 Carindale Queensland 4152; or
  • by email to RTI@tafeqld.edu.au.

TAFE Queensland does not accept online application submissions at this time.

Fees and charges

There is no application fee or processing charges payable for applications made under the IP Act, although you may have to pay access charges.

There is an application fee for applications made under the RTI Act and you may also have to pay processing and access charges.
For further information about fees and charges see https://www.rti.qld.gov.au/fees-and-charges.

Processing an application

Applications received by TAFE Queensland will be handled in accordance with the processes set out in the IP Act or RTI Act (as applicable).  The TAFE Queensland RTI Officer may contact you if additional information is required before they can commence processing your application (including where a non-compliant application is received). 

Once a compliant application is received, the TAFE Queensland RTI Officer will issue you with a notice which provides a brief overview of the process, including any fees or charges that may be payable.  You may contact the TAFE Queensland RTI Officer to discuss your application at any time.

TAFE Queensland is generally required to make a decision on your application within 25 business days from the date it was received (Processing Period). The Processing Period may be extended in certain circumstances as set out in the IP Act or RTI Act (as applicable), including where your application involves consultation with a relevant third party or TAFE Queensland has requested an extension.

Once your application has been processed, you will receive a decision notice (including a statement of reasons for the decision made) as well as a copy of any documents to which access has been granted.

Internal Review

If you are dissatisfied with a reviewable decision TAFE Queensland has made while processing a Right to Information and Information Privacy Access Application, you can apply for an internal review of that decision.

The right of internal review is available to a person affect by a reviewable decision, including:

  • the applicant;
  • anyone who TAFE Queensland has consulted in the course of dealing with an application; and
  • anyone who believes TAFE Queensland should have consulted them in the course of dealing with an application.

An application for internal review must:

  • be in writing; and
  • provide a postal address or email address where correspondence can be sent; and
  • be made within 20 business days of the date of TAFE Queensland's initial decision; and
  • emailed to Office of TAFE Queensland rti@tafeqld.edu.au 

There is no charge for an internal review application.

The internal review decision will not be made by the person who made the initial decision or a person who is less senior than that person.

External review

The Office of the Information Commissioner (OIC) is an independent body responsible for reviewing decisions made under the RTI Act and the IP Act.

An external review application can be made to the Information Commissioner for an external review if:

  • you are not satisfied with TAFE Queensland's initial decision or, if applicable, internal review decision; or
  • TAFE Queensland fails to issue a decision notice within the Processing Period and has not sought your approval for an extension.

You may apply for an external review irrespective of whether the decision been internally reviewed.  An application to the OIC for external review must:

  • be in writing;
  • specify your name, address and contact details;
  • give particulars of the decision for review; and
  • be made within 20 business days from the date of the TAFE Queensland's initial decision notice or internal review decision notice (whichever is relevant in the circumstances).

There is no charge for an external review application.

Applications for external review can be lodged using the external review application form available on the OIC website or:

For further information about external reviews, please contact the OIC by phone on 07 3234 7373 or 1800 642 753 or by email to administration@oic.qld.gov.au.

More information

For more information email the Office of TAFE Queensland rti@tafeqld.edu.au

Last reviewed: 13 May 2024