Please be aware TAFE Queensland's contact centres will be closed from 1pm (AEST) Friday 14 February for scheduled system updates, and will reopen on 9am, (AEST) Monday 17 February. Our campuses are still open, check for opening hours, or get in touch via email.

Visit our Campus Update page for more information regarding disruptions related to flooding in North Queensland. 

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Please be aware TAFE Queensland's contact centres will be closed from 1pm (AEST) Friday 14 February for scheduled system updates, and will reopen on 9am, (AEST) Monday 17 February. Our campuses are still open, check for opening hours, or get in touch via email.

Three signs you're ready for a career change

Studies show the average Australian will have six career changes in their lifetime. If you're starting a family, re-entering the workforce, or are ready for a change, then you might find yourself joining the growing trend and becoming a career changer.

Today's workforce is more mobile than ever. Studies show the average Australian will have six career changes in their lifetime, with many people switching jobs every two to three years. Gone are the days where employees gradually worked their way up the company ranks over the life of their career. Today, employers recognise the value of employees who constantly step outside their comfort zone in search of new opportunities.

There are a number of reasons why you might find yourself considering a career change. If you relate to one of the situations below, then you might find yourself joining the trend and becoming a career changer.

You're starting or have started a family

Starting a family can be one of the biggest periods of change in your life. There are so many new experiences, new things to learn, and most importantly, a brand new addition to your family. With all this change happening around you, its natural find yourself re-thinking your career. Suddenly the daily commute and the nine to five grind may not sound so appealing.

You may find yourself wanting to pursue a career that will give you a better work/life balance and allow you to spend more time with your young family. Often this will require a career change, stepping into a new industry, learning new skills, or starting your own business. Whatever changes you decide to make to your career, your new family can often be the instigator, as well as a great motivator.

You're re-entering the workforce

If you've had some time off work and are looking to re-enter the workforce, this is often a great opportunity to look at starting a new career. Maybe you had time off raising your children or caring for a loved one. Or perhaps you've been sick or injured yourself and are ready to get back into work. Maybe your priorities have changed since you've had some time off and you've decided you want a more rewarding career.

Whatever your situation, getting back into the workforce after some time off might seem daunting. Getting the qualifications and skills required to pursue your new career can increase your confidence and help you land your dream job sooner.

You're ready for a change

If your Monday-itis lasts well into the week, you spend your lunch breaks looking at job ads, and you daydream about winning the lotto and taking a permanent vacation, you might be ready for a career change.

Maybe you never really knew what you wanted to be when you grew up so you took the first job you were offered and have been there ever since. Maybe you were pushed into following a career you were never really interested in. Or maybe you've finally found your passion and want to find out how you can turn it into a career. However you got here, there's a course or a qualification that can set you on a new (and more enjoyable) career path.

Whatever your reason for wanting to make a change in your career, TAFE Queensland can help you get there. No matter how long it's been since you last studied, or how long you've been in your current industry, we have a course to set you on the path to a new and more rewarding career.

View our range of courses or contact us to start making change happen today.