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Australia's largest growth careers - how TAFE Queensland is training the workforce of the future

Vocational education and training (VET) is the most responsive training available to meet the future needs of Australia's workforce. This is how we are meeting the future head on.

By TAFE Queensland

TAFE Queensland has been at the forefront of recognising and filling skills gaps for more than 135 years. Rapid changes in technology require all industries to adopt an agile approach to training so that there is a consistent stream of skilled workers ready to take on the new challenges of evolving workplaces.

Vocational education and training (VET) is the fastest and most responsive training available to meet the future needs of Australia's workforce, according to a 2017 study by the Skilling Australia Foundation. VET certificate qualifications can have graduates ready for work in as little as six months, compared to a general bachelor degree which takes three years, or a professional degree which takes four or more years to complete.

The same study identifies 10 occupations with the largest number of new job opening expected by 2020. This is how TAFE Queensland is meeting the needs of this future workforce by providing flexible, timely training, where we need it most.


General sales assistants

Certificate III in Retail (SIR30216)

Employment opportunities in the retail sector have seen steady growth, and this trend is set to continue with upwards of 65,800 new jobs being created over the next three years across Australia.

This qualification is designed specifically to give you the practical skills to work within the retail industry. You'll be empowered with training in engaging the customer, working effectively in a team, and how to sell to the retail customer. Give yourself a competitive edge and increase your desirability with potential employers.


Registered nurses

Diploma of Nursing (HLT54115)

The Diploma of Nursing (HLT54115) is a gateway qualification to a career in nursing. This diploma is the essential minimum requirement to seek registration to work as an enrolled nurse (EN). The health sector is growing in Australia with a predicted 51,400 new nurses required by 2020, and four-out-of-five nursing graduates gaining employment within three months of graduation.

Successful completion of our diploma will qualify you to seek registration with the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia. Upon successful registration you may find work as an EN and articulate to further study to become a registered nurse.

We offer nursing at multiple locations across the state, as well as online.


Aged and disabled carers

Certificate III in Individual Support (CHC33015)

The health, aged care and community services sector is predicted to experience strong growth over the next five years with an excess of 50,000 job openings expected. This is due to an increased demand for aged care support, support for people with a disability through the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), and other individualised home and community support.

You will learn how to support independence and well-being, gain a range of technical skills, and develop a range of transferable skills from communication to teamwork.

We also offer specialist streams in Disability, Ageing, and Home and Community.



Certificate IV in Bookkeeping and Accounting (FNS40217)

Establish a career in accounting with this entry-level qualification. The course meets the minimum academic requirements with the Tax Practitioners Board for registration as a BAS agent. This sector is currently experiencing strong growth, with the Australian Government expecting to see at least 39,000 new job openings by 2020.

With our highly qualified and experienced teaching team you will be guided through your education in core units including preparation of financial reports and operational budget and production. You will also develop specific skills such as computerised accounting, payroll and BAS.

If you are looking to upskill, consider a diploma or an advanced diploma to take your accounting career further with specialised skills in financial management, auditing, taxation, and commercial and company law. We also offer a Certificate III in Accounts Administration (FNS30315).



Certificate II in Electrotechnology (Career Start) (UEE22011)

With an estimated 26,000 new job openings for electricians predicted by 2020, there is ample opportunity to establish a career that will last the distance. The electrical services industry one of the largest special construction industries in Australia, so demand for qualified workers is high.

The Certificate II in Electrotechnology (Career Start) (UEE22011) arms you with the basics without the need for an apprenticeship. If you have an employer, complete the Certificate III in Electrotechnology (UEE30811) as part of your apprenticeship to become a qualified electrician and apply for your electrical contractor licence. If you're already established, enrich your career with the Advanced Diploma of Electrical - Engineering (UEE62211).


General clerks

Certificate III in Business (BSB30115)

Enhance your opportunities and gain the practical skills to succeed in an office or business environment. This course is perfect for people looking to work as an administration officer or office assistant. With a predicted 22,400 new clerks required by 2020, we can train you in the work-ready skills you need to work confidently in an office or business environment. Also consider the Certificate III in Business Administration (BSB30415), the Certificate IV in Bookkeeping and Accounting (FNS40217), or take it further with the Diploma of Business (BSB50215).


Contract, program and project administrators

Certificate IV in Project Management Practice (BSB41515)

Demand for qualified workers in project management has been increasing in recent years and is expected to continue, with up to 22,000 new positions expected to open in the next three years.

This certificate IV qualification will provide you with specialised skills and knowledge in a range of areas including the application of project scope, time management, and quality management techniques. You'll also learn procurement procedures and stakeholder engagement processes. If you're ready for an advanced qualification, consider the Diploma of Project Management (BSB51415) and become a project manager or team leader.



Certificate III in Commercial Cookery (SIT30816)

With almost 20,000 new chefs required across the country by 2020, the Certificate III in Commercial Cookery (SIT30816) provides you with the essential skills and knowledge required to join the kitchen as an apprentice chef. Hone your skills in the basic methods of cookery and learn how to prepare poultry, seafood and meat dishes. You will also discover the skills to work effectively in the kitchen and maintain the quality and safety of food you are preparing.

Successful completion of this course will enable you to continue on to the Certificate IV in Commercial Cookery (SIT40516) or enter the workforce as a qualified cook.



Certificate III in Hospitality (SIT30616)

Almost 20,000 new waiters are needed in busy restaurants, cafes and bars across the country. The certificate III provides you with the essential skills and knowledge to join the hospitality industry in an entry-level position. Take advantage of our exclusive International Hospitality Service Program and learn the front-line skills required to work in five and six star organisations.

Increase your options with a double Diploma of Hospitality Management (SIT50416) / Diploma of Business (SIT50215) or Diploma of Event Management (SIT50316)/ Diploma of Hospitality Management( SIT50416).

Accessing training that will set you up for a future-proof career is now easier than ever.

Eligible students may be able to access a different subsidy or concession.