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How to hire an apprentice/trainee

Hiring an apprentice/trainee is easier than you might think. Follow our simple steps to find the perfect apprentice/trainee for your business. 

Understand what you're looking for

In order to get the most out of your apprentice/trainee, it's important for you to take the time to understand what you and your business are looking for. Understanding your needs will ensure you find someone who is a suitable match for your business.

A few questions to consider include:

  • What skills does your business need?
  • What type of position can you offer? What will the job involve?
  • Do you have suitably skilled staff to supervise/train the employee?

You may also want to consider what attributes you want your apprentice/trainee to have. Some key attributes of a good apprentice/trainee include:

  • eager and willing to learn
  • positive, helpful attitude
  • takes initiative and shows a genuine interest in the area
  • good communication and teamwork skills
  • trustworthy, reliable and responsible.

Find your match

TAFE Queensland can help you find the right match for your business. We can connect you with job-ready candidates who have completed basic workplace training with us— including prevocational courses an occupational health and safety training — and are motivated to gain employment. This service is easy and completely free. All you need to do is register your interest and we'll contact you with a list of suitable applicants (please note this service may not be available for all courses and locations). 

Alternatively you can also recruit directly or use an employment agency or group training provider. 

Sign a training contract

The most important step in hiring an apprentice/trainee is to sign a training contract. To do this you will need to contact an Apprenticeship Network Provider (ANP). ANPs are a free service that makes it easier for employers to recruit, train, and retain apprentices/trainees. They will also provide funding advice and administrative support throughout the process.

The main ANPs in Queensland are: 

Choose a training provider

Once you've signed the training contract and chosen TAFE Queensland as your training provider, we will be notified by your chosen ANP and will contact you within 48 hours to organise an onsite or phone induction. We’ll discuss things like the training plan, what training options are available, how to complete the Training Record plus other information like fees, student rules and employer obligations.

Start training

Once the induction has taken place, we can get down to the bit we love — training and skilling your apprentice/trainee for their new role. Training can start in as little as two weeks after the induction, or we can commence the training based on what works for you and your apprentice/trainee. 

Need more help? TAFE Queensland can step you through the process of hiring an apprentice/trainee. Email us or call the TAFE Queensland apprentice hotline on 1300 782 555.