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8 reasons to hire an apprentice

If you're thinking of hiring an apprentice or trainee you're probably pretty keen on the idea of having more hands on deck to help you get the job done. But besides the obvious benefits, there are a range of other reasons why hiring an apprentice is a smart choice for your business.


Benefits of hiring an apprentice


  1. Train your apprentice your way
    When you hire an apprentice or trainee, you can train them in ‘your way of doing the job’. As they're new to the industry, you can make sure they learn how to do things your way, right from the get go.

  2. Increase efficiency and productivity
    Having staff who know and understand how your business works can not only make your life easier, but can also increase your business's efficiency and productivity. If everyone's on the same page and following the same processes it can make your whole operation run a lot smoother.

  3. Apprentices are more invested and loyal to your business
    Training a new employee takes considerable time and effort so when they leave, it can have a big impact on your business. Having a staff member you've trained and developed from the ground-up means they'll be more more loyal to you and your business. Staff who are invested in your business are more likely to remain with you for the long haul, meaning less staff turnover and recruitment costs for you.

  4. Over 55% of apprentices stay with their employer
    Still not convinced? Research from the Australian Apprenticeships & Traineeships Information Service indicates over 55% of apprentices continue with their employer on completion of their apprenticeship. Plus, over 85% of apprentices stay in their industry, demonstrating that the vast majority of apprentices are keen employees who may be willing to stay with their employer if a job is available post apprenticeship.

  5. Bring fresh perspectives and ideas to your workplace
    An apprentice or trainee can also be a catalyst for change. New staff often challenge existing work processes and practices by questioning why you do things a certain way. If your answer is 'because we've always done it like that' then maybe it's time for some fresh ideas.

  6. Benefits for your existing staff
    As well as being a great opportunity for the apprentice or trainee themselves, hiring new staff can also provide great management and leadership opportunities for your existing staff. Encouraging them to be involved in the apprenticeship process and mentor new staff can be an invaluable way to show how much you value their skills.

  7. Future-proof your business
    While you're likely hiring an apprentice or trainee to help you meet your current workload, they can also help prepare your business for the future. As they'll be working towards a qualification with a registered training organisation, they'll be receiving training in the very latest skills and techniques in your industry. They'll bring this new knowledge and skills into your business, ensuring you and your staff keep up with the times.

  8. Pass it on
    Employing an apprentice or trainee doesn’t just help you, it also helps the person you're employing, giving them the opportunity to develop the same love of the industry that you have. Passing on your knowledge to the next generation not only contributes to the future success of your own business, but it also helps produce qualified and talented tradespeople to sustain your industry into the future.


How TAFE Queensland can help

With more than 135 years of quality training experience and a 94 per cent employer satisfaction rating, you can trust TAFE Queensland to equip your apprentice or trainee with the skills you need to get ready for business.

TAFE Queensland is the largest training provider for apprentices and trainees in the state, putting 20,000 apprentices through their paces every year. With flexible training options, specialist facilities and industry-experienced teachers, you can rest assured that your staff are in good hands.


Find out how TAFE Queensland can help get your apprentice ready for business.