Please be aware TAFE Queensland's contact centres will be closed from 1pm (AEST) Friday 14 February for scheduled system updates, and will reopen on 9am, (AEST) Monday 17 February. Our campuses are still open, check for opening hours, or get in touch via email.

Visit our Campus Update page for more information regarding disruptions related to flooding in North Queensland. 

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Please be aware TAFE Queensland's contact centres will be closed from 1pm (AEST) Friday 14 February for scheduled system updates, and will reopen on 9am, (AEST) Monday 17 February. Our campuses are still open, check for opening hours, or get in touch via email.

Chloe's love of animals becomes her profession

Even as a high school student, Chloe Sacre knew her career would incorporate her love of animals, even though she wasn’t sure exactly how.

During a career open day at school Chloe was introduced to TAFE at School, which offered a way for her to turn her passion for animals into her profession.

After discussing things with her parents she joined the program, starting her study journey towards a career in animal management.

“I completed my Certificate II in Animal Studies (ACM20117) through TAFE at School while I was at high school. I loved that I was able to study towards turning my passion into a career while still at school, particularly as it would help me enrol in further study after graduating,” said Chloe.

TAFE at School allows high school students to complete Year 11 and 12 in an adult-learning environment, giving 15 to 17-year-olds a practical and independent alternative to traditional high school learning.

And because Chloe knew she wanted a career in the animal industry, it was the perfect study solution for her.

“I’ve always had a love of animals, and after completing my TAFE at School certificates, my love evolved into caring for them through medical science,” says Chloe.

“Animal biology really interests me, so I’ve pursued it. I want to care for them and as I’ve studied further and further I got a deeper level of caring,” says Chloe.

She’s since achieved a Certificate III  in Animal Studies (ACM30117) during her first year out of school and is now studying the Certificate IV in Veterinary Nursing (ACM40418) at TAFE Queensland’s Loganlea campus.

Starting her career quickly became a reality when Chloe was placed at Mooney Street Veterinary to get vital work experience with customers and patients.

Her enthusiasm, professionalism and the skills she’d gained from her studies meant that the vet surgery she was placed with offered her a paying job, which she now balances with her studies.

“TAFE at School put me onto my animal studies pathway and I’m now working and studying in an industry I’m really passionate about.”

“Learning on the job complements what I’ve learnt during each of my courses. Adjusting to real situations with real animals in a medical setting is a big learning curve — as well as the technical language."

“But having studied through TAFE Queensland under the guidance of teachers from the industry, in facilities that are on par with any vet surgery, I’m well positioned to achieve my career goal of becoming a vet.”

Chloe hopes to finish her certificate IV then complete a pathway to university, rounding out her knowledge and skills to achieve her ultimate goal of one day becoming a fully qualified vet.

“I hope to be a general practitioner vet for a few years, then specialise into animal cardiology,” said Chloe.