Please be aware TAFE Queensland's contact centres will be closed from 1pm (AEST) Friday 14 February for scheduled system updates, and will reopen on 9am, (AEST) Monday 17 February. Our campuses are still open, check for opening hours, or get in touch via email.

Visit our Campus Update page for more information regarding disruptions related to flooding in North Queensland. 

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Please be aware TAFE Queensland's contact centres will be closed from 1pm (AEST) Friday 14 February for scheduled system updates, and will reopen on 9am, (AEST) Monday 17 February. Our campuses are still open, check for opening hours, or get in touch via email.

Kloee uses her skills to make the world sparkle

After high school Kloee Kendall wanted to use her artistic talents to start a career as a tattoo artist. When a related job opportunity fell through, and still determined to work in the art industry, a teacher of hers suggested a career in jewellery.

"My teacher knew a local jeweller and suggested I look into an apprenticeship with her. I'd never considered working with jewellery, but I wanted a career in the arts, so I met her for a chat," says Kloee.

Suffice to say the meeting went well, and straight out of high school Kloee began her apprenticeship with Aurealis Creative Jewellery Design in Airlie Beach, bringing her to TAFE Queensland.

"After I got introduced to the tools I'd be working with and the different metals and stones, I knew I'd found my career."

"I never considered being a jeweller, but I love this industry, and I get to use my skills to use my skills to make people happy every day," said Kloee.

Now almost at the end of her four-year apprenticeship, Kloee aspires to get her skills to the point where she can travel, designing and creating original hand-crafted pieces all over the world.

Helping Kloee get her skills to that level is her block training with TAFE Queensland, where she's completing the Certificate III in Jewellery Manufacture (MEM30605).

Combining her on-the-job training with TAFE Queensland sees Kloee fly to Brisbane from Airlie Beach twice a year to attend intensive block training for four weeks at a time, learning new manufacturing techniques in fully-equipped workshops.

"Studying with TAFE Queensland is excellent – I'm learning alongside other apprentices and absorbing everything I needed to perfect my craft under our teacher's expert guidance,” Kloee continued.

"Jane Foster is an amazing teacher. She brought her industry experience to the class every day. She was able to answer questions, show us design techniques and give us feedback on every step of the manufacturing process."

"She's so knowledgeable, experienced and approachable and was able to guide us through the course, show us best practise and was very giving of her time. After each training block was over, I could see how much I'd learnt and how my skills improved."

And Kloee’s beautiful pieces have been recognised, as she will join other apprentices, trainees and students to showcase her talents and represent their industries at the 2021 WorldSkills Australia National Championships and Skills Show from August 26 to 28.

While this year’s competition looks a little different due to travel restrictions, WorldSkills Australia brings apprentices, trainees and students from all over the country together to showcase their talents and represent their industries in a National Championships and Skills Show.

Competing in the jewellery category, Kloee will bring her solid creative talents and technical manufacturing skills to compete against other young apprentices from all over Australia.

"I certainly wasn't expecting to be competing at WorldSkills, but my classmates and I put in a lot of work to get nominated, and the quality of everyone's designs was awe-inspiring, so being chosen to represent TAFE Queensland was an amazing surprise!"

"I am excited, a little nervous, but ready to be part of this year's WorldSkills competition. My parents and my boss are proud of me; they've been my biggest supporters during my training, so I'm looking forward to repaying their faith in me," Kloee said.

Going from wanting to be a tattoo artist to becoming a jeweller is quite the leap, but Kloee is pragmatic when explaining his decision to follow that latter.

"Art is my passion, and while I was a little disappointed that I couldn't be a tattoo artist, I'm so happy that I'm able to express my design skills through jewellery.”

“This industry is so rewarding, and I get to make people's day by making them something unique, memorable and sentimental to them and seeing the look on their faces when they receive it is enriching.”

To follow the competition visit the WorldSkills Australia website or to find out how you can get involved, call the WorldSkills Queensland Office on 07 3244 0230.