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Turning classroom skills into a qualification

With eight years of industry experience in her dream career under her belt, Jessica Blinco jumped at the opportunity to have her skills and experienced recognised with a formal qualification.

Jessica, 39, is a teacher aide at Kilcoy State School and recently became the proud recipient of a Certificate III in Education Support (CHC30213) from TAFE Queensland. For Jessica it was a key milestone that cemented her love for helping to shape and educate the next generation.

“I have a genuine passion for teaching students, helping develop their skills through their school years — both academically and personally,” Jessica said.

It's no surprise then that when Jessica found out she was now required to get a formal qualification, she welcomed the opportunity to have her skills recognised with open arms.

“While it was a requirement at work to have my teacher aide qualification, I actually really wanted to do this. I am so happy that I have gained my qualification to be a teacher aide,” she said.

Queensland teacher aides can achieve their qualification through Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) at TAFE Queensland, and may be eligible to access funding assistance from the Queensland Government.

As a mum-of-three and with her busy role at the school, Jessica found the RPL process at TAFE Queensland to be simple and easy to fit into her already very full calendar.

“It was such a good feeling to have so many of my skills and experience acknowledged. I was able to minimise the need to do extra study.” Jessica said.

As well being able to fit her studies around her work and family commitments, Jessica also found that the TAFE Queensland staff were happy to help whenever she needed it, just as she is with her own students.

“As well as being flexible, I felt very supported. The staff are approachable and experienced, and so helpful,” she said.

“I found it to be a great mentoring process.”

Getting or upgrading your qualifications can take your career to the next level.

At TAFE Queensland, our expert team carefully assess your experience, which is then aligned with relevant components of the qualification.

You may be able eligible for part or a complete qualification through RPL.

As part of the Queensland Department of Education’s Standing Offer Arrangement (SOA QED101115), TAFE Queensland is providing the Certificate III in Education Support (CHC30213) through a recognition of prior learning (RPL) process.

Experienced teacher aides (TA2 level 4) employed in state schools can access the arrangement to gain a full qualification. There’s no cost to teacher aides—schools will fund the cost of the RPL program.