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Bringing pride to the workplace

Dani Costello has been the chair of TAFE Queensland's Pride Network since its inception in 2021.

TAFE Queensland’s Pride Network has been in action since 2021, and the Chair of the Network, Dani Costello, says it has helped increase visibility of LGBTIQ+ people within TAFE Queensland and drive positive change over this time.

Having worked at TAFE Queensland for almost 15 years in a variety of roles, Dani says it was during the COVID-19 pandemic that they began to consider their gender identity and as part of this self-exploration started looking for a support network within TAFE Queensland.

“I was thinking about my identity as a lesbian, one I’ve had since I was 16 years old, and considering the difficulty of essentially coming out again at 40 as a non-binary person with they/them pronouns, particularly to the people I work with. I was looking for a support network within the organisation and our local HR team helped me get one started,” Mx Costello said.

“Within a few days of that initial discussion, the plan had been put in motion and we were making all of TAFE Queensland’s staff across the state aware of, and invited to, the first meeting of the Pride Network.”

“In that first meeting we established our goals and how we would operate, and today we still have the same values of being open to everyone to join, whether they identify as LGBTIQ+ or as an ally, and as a result we have an amazing network right across Queensland of over 80 members and growing,” they said.

Outside of the network’s regular meetings, activities include the celebration of two annual days of recognition, IDAHOBIT and Wear it Purple Day, which were voted on by the network to support our students and young employees (Wear It Purple) and counter discrimination against all LGBTIQ+ people (IDHAHOBIT). These celebrations occur right across TAFE Queensland’s large footprint from Cairns to Coolangatta and out to Mt Isa.

Events on campus seek to create an inclusive atmoshpere for all staff and students at TAFE Queensland.

Additionally, the network has achieved some great steps forward for more inclusive practices and supports within TAFE Queensland such as working with Microsoft Teams to add pronoun choices to online work profiles, ensuring staff have access to Pride in Diversity training materials, allowing students and staff to nominate a preferred name, creating and distributing inclusive posters, and consulting on and updating TAFE Queensland policies and procedures.