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Five helpful nursing resources in the TAFE Queensland Library

Learn how the TAFE Queensland Library Network can help you on your journey to becoming a nurse. 

Whether you've just started your nursing course, or are continuing onto a new stage, the TAFE Queensland Library Network can help you. You can use the library collection to find the current, reliable academic information you need for your assignments. These resources are specifically designed by experts for health professionals.

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Nursing subject guide
This guide links directly to books, eBooks, and other resources relevant for each stage of your studies. This includes peak bodies in the Australian medical field, and reliable databases outside the library website such as PubMed Central and Cochrane Review. 

ClinicalKey for Nursing

This database is a treasure trove of information, just remember to always log in through our library website. You can find and read popular eBooks such as Tabbner's Nursing Care and Potter and Perry's Fundamentals of Nursing.

Other helpful resources include Clinical Overviews for detailed information about diseases and medical conditions, and Clinical Skills to quickly learn how to carry out a procedure. You can even make a personal account within ClinicalKey to save your search results.  


CINAHL contains current research being carried out by professionals in the medical field, and is the best place to find primary research such as clinical trials and case studies. Ask a librarian for help to use its advanced search feature to refine your results. 


MIMS contains regularly updated information on different medications and pharmaceutical products. You can check instructions on how medications should be used, precautions to be considered, and how different drugs will interact with one another. 

APA 7 Referencing guide

Referencing the sources you use for an assignment is easy with this informative guide. It provides information on how to reference, templates to follow along with, and examples. Many format types such as eBooks, webpages, and images are included. Remember you are always welcome to talk to a librarian if you're having trouble.  

For more information on nursing resources, contact TAFE Queensland Library Network online or in person.