Please be aware TAFE Queensland's contact centres will be closed from 1pm (AEST) Friday 14 February for scheduled system updates, and will reopen on 9am, (AEST) Monday 17 February. Our campuses are still open, check for opening hours, or get in touch via email.

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Please be aware TAFE Queensland's contact centres will be closed from 1pm (AEST) Friday 14 February for scheduled system updates, and will reopen on 9am, (AEST) Monday 17 February. Our campuses are still open, check for opening hours, or get in touch via email.

From Beaudesert to Bread Winner with scholarship win

Lauren Robin, a twenty-year-old bakery apprentice from Beaudesert, has won the Northern Region’s Scholarship at the Australian Baking Industry National Scholarship Awards for her outstanding baking efforts.

Like many school leavers, she wasn’t sure what path to follow after graduating from Beaudesert State High School. She began working early morning shifts as a bakery assistant at Coles Beaudesert.

“I knew I wanted to travel, and I enjoyed being in the bakery, so when I was offered an apprenticeship, I thought, why not? Bakers can get jobs anywhere, and I’ll be trade-qualified by the time I’m 21,” explained Lauren.

This decision led Lauren to enrol in TAFE Queensland's Certificate III in Bread Baking (FPB30521), allowing her to learn from the best at the South Bank campus and setting her on a path to success.

“The teachers are amazing at what they do,” Lauren says. “They’ve supported me every step of the way, especially during competitions like WorldSkills and Excellence in Baking. They made sure I had all the ingredients, recipes, and equipment I needed, and they’re always just a phone call away if I need help.”

Along with the technical skills she’s developed - like scaling, mixing, moulding, and baking - Lauren also appreciated the opportunity to connect with diverse classmates.

“It was great working alongside people from different backgrounds, ages, and experience levels, learning new skills and growing in confidence,” she explained.

During her apprenticeship, she’s honed her skills, learning to bake various breads from scratch - skills that set her apart from the day-to-day tasks at Coles.

“My TAFE Queensland training exposed me to making a greater variety of products, and I learned how to make ciabatta, baguettes, and croissants. The competitions I participated in gave me the chance to experiment and improve,” she said.

“TAFE Queensland prepared me for everything, and I’m now confident stepping into any bakery, except the fast-paced morning timing. But knowing how to make bread from scratch made it easy to transition into work.”

Recently, Lauren put her talents to the test in the 2024 Australian Baking Industry National Scholarship Awards’ (ABINSA), winning a Regional Scholarship and opening more doors for her.

“I first heard about the scholarship in a baking newsletter and decided to try it, thinking the prizes looked amazing. I didn’t expect to win, but it’s exciting. It’s a great opportunity to get my name out there and further my career,” she said.

She credits her success with making her application stand out to the judges. “I didn’t want it to just be about answering questions - I wanted it to be engaging and enjoyable to read while showing my passion for baking,” she continued.

Open to 18 to 24 years of age, Regional Scholarship winners take home The Sydney J Packham Baking Industry Medal after expertly researching and submitting answers to a broad cross-section of industry-related questions.

As a winner, Lauren travelled to Melbourne for a five-day, four-night scholarship adventure, attending a sponsors' cocktail function, a two-day industry tour, and attendance at the Australian Society of Baking's (ASB) annual conference.

She also received a 12-month ASB membership and a ticket to the ASB gala dinner, providing valuable networking opportunities and insights into the baking industry.

With her scholarship win and apprenticeship, Lauren’s looking forward to getting trade qualified and taking advantage of new opportunities, including working in high-end bakeries or travelling the world to gain more experience.

“One of the reasons I became a baker was because you can bake anywhere in the world - and I’d love to work in a bakery overseas in five to ten years,” she said.

As she prepares to finish her apprenticeship and explore what’s next, Lauren remains grateful for the support she’s received along the way. Her advice for those considering a career in baking is simple.

“Find a good environment to work in and make the most of your apprenticeship by entering competitions and studying at TAFE Queensland!”

“The teachers are fantastic; you’ll learn everything you need. I’ve had an amazing team and a supportive manager throughout this journey, and I don’t think I could’ve finished without them,” concluded Lauren.