Please be aware TAFE Queensland's contact centres will be closed from 1pm (AEST) Friday 14 February for scheduled system updates, and will reopen on 9am, (AEST) Monday 17 February. Our campuses are still open, check for opening hours, or get in touch via email.

Visit our Campus Update page for more information regarding disruptions related to flooding in North Queensland. 

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Please be aware TAFE Queensland's contact centres will be closed from 1pm (AEST) Friday 14 February for scheduled system updates, and will reopen on 9am, (AEST) Monday 17 February. Our campuses are still open, check for opening hours, or get in touch via email.

8. FEE-HELP and VET Student Loans

This section is dedicated to rules and policies that apply only to FEE-HELP and VET Student Loans students, to help you understand your specific responsibilities.


Along with these rules and policies you will also need refer to the other Student Rules and Policies pages to understand your full responsibilities as a TAFE Queensland student, and to access administrative processes and useful forms.

Re-Credit Rules

What You Need to Know

If you withdraw from a unit of study after the census date you will incur a FEE-HELP debt or VETSL debt for that unit of study.


However, if you withdraw after the census date or are unable to successfully complete a unit of study, and believe this was due to Special Circumstances, you may apply to have your FEE-HELP balance re-credited for the unit of study.


Special circumstances are circumstances that are:

(a)    Are beyond your control; and

(b)    Did not make their full impact until after the census date for the unit of study; and

(c)     Make it impractical for you to complete the requirements for the unit of study.


Making a Re-Credit Application

What You Need to Know

To make a re-credit review application, you need to submit a FEE-HELP and VET Student Loans Re-Credit Application Form to your TAFE Queensland region.


Any re-credit review application must be submitted within:

  • 12 months from the date you withdrew from the unit of study (or if you didn’t withdraw, 12 months from the end date of the unit of study) (for FEE-HELP eligible students); or
  • 12 months of the census date for the unit of study (for VET Student Loans eligible students).


You will not be victimised or discriminated against for making an application for re-credit of your FEE-HELP or VET Student Loans balances.


Re-Credit Decisions

What You Need to Know

Your TAFE Queensland region will make its decision within 28 days of receiving all the information required to support your application.


If you are eligible for a re-credit, TAFE Queensland will re-credit your FEE-HELP balance for the appropriate amount, and ensure that an updated Commonwealth Assistance Notice is provided to you.


If you are not eligible for a re-credit, TAFE Queensland will provide you with its decision in writing.


Reviews of Re-Credit Decisions

What You Need to Know

Internal Reviews:

If you feel that TAFE Queensland’s decision about your re-credit request is unfair, you have a right to ask for an internal review of the decision.

Your request for an internal review must be on the basis of the way in which the decision was reached by TAFE Queensland, and include:

  • The grounds for the review; and
  • Any supporting documentation.


If you are asking for an internal review, it must be made in writing using the form provided to you, and be submitted within 28 days of receiving the notification of the re-credit decision by TAFE Queensland.


TAFE Queensland will then consider the matter and respond to you within 45 days.


External Appeals:

If you are still dissatisfied with the decision, you may have the right to take the matter to the Administrative Appeals Tribunal for an external appeal.


Applications to the Secretary for Re-Credits

What You Need to Know

You may also apply to the Secretary of the Australian Government Department of Education, Skills and Employment for re-credit of their FEE-HELP or VETSL debt if:

·         TAFE Queensland, or a person acting on TAFE Queensland’s behalf, engaged in unacceptable conduct in relation to the student’s application for a VET Student Loan; or

·         TAFE Queensland has failed to comply with the Act or an instrument under the Act and the failure has adversely affected the student.

Applications must be submitted to the Secretary within 5 years of the census date of the unit of study, or within a period extended by the Secretary.

The Secretary may also re-credit a student’s FEE-HELP or VETSL balance in relation to special circumstances if TAFE Queensland is unable to act, or has been dissolved; or if TAFE Queensland has failed to act and the Secretary is satisfied that the failure is unreasonable.


Useful Forms

FEE-HELP and VET Student Loans Re-Credit Application Form

Replacement Course Rules

What You Need to Know

In cases where students were undertaking training with an approved VET Student Loans provider that closes, fails to start a course, or stops offering a course to eligible students, students may be placed with TAFE Queensland to continue their studies in an equivalent or similar course.

In cases where you are enrolled in a replacement course with TAFE Queensland:

·  You will be granted course credits for parts of your original course you successfully completed. You will be required to provide evidence through a Statement of Attainment issued by the relevant provider in accordance with the Australian Qualifications Framework; and

·  You will not be charged tuition fees for a replacement component of the replacement course with TAFE Queensland.

What You Need to Know

Withdrawals and Changes of Enrolment:

If you wish to withdraw from a unit or course, or make any changes to your enrolment, you must apply to withdraw via the TAFE Queensland Student Portal, using the Request for Withdrawal and/or Refund Form.

If you are under the age of 18 you will require authorisation from your parent/guardian to withdraw or undertake a change of enrolment.

If you withdraw from a course or part of a course prior to the census date TAFE Queensland will ensure that there are no financial, administrative, or other barriers to the withdrawal.

If you withdraw from course or part of a course and are seeking to enrol in another part of that course, TAFE Queensland will work with you to ensure that you understand the impacts of your withdrawal on your enrolment in other parts of the course, including your eligibility and impacts on your study plan.

If you withdraw from a course or part of a course TAFE Queensland will not, after the withdrawal, enrol you in a course or a part of a course without your written permission.


Cancellations of Enrolment:

If TAFE Queensland is cancelling your enrolment we will provide you with:

  • 28 days to request an internal review of the decision before the cancellation takes final effect; and
  • Ensure that the cancellation only takes effect only after the appeals process has been completed.