Please be aware TAFE Queensland's contact centres will be closed from 1pm (AEST) Friday 14 February for scheduled system updates, and will reopen on 9am, (AEST) Monday 17 February. Our campuses are still open, check for opening hours, or get in touch via email.

Visit our Campus Update page for more information regarding disruptions related to flooding in North Queensland. 

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Please be aware TAFE Queensland's contact centres will be closed from 1pm (AEST) Friday 14 February for scheduled system updates, and will reopen on 9am, (AEST) Monday 17 February. Our campuses are still open, check for opening hours, or get in touch via email.

6. Student support

TAFE Queensland acknowledges the diverse background of students and aims to provide a safe, equitable, and inclusive learning environment that enables students to access available and appropriate support opportunities to help them achieve their education and training goals.

Learning Support

What You Need to Know

Learning support will be available to all domestic and international students with the exception of:

  • Secondary school students undertaking a combined school/training arrangement who are supported by their school (VETiS); and
  • Students enrolled in TAFE Queensland English language courses (for example AMEP or SEE programs) where support is embedded within the study program.

The learning support and resources provided by TAFE Queensland will be available at no additional cost to students.


Identification of Language, Literacy, and Numeracy Support Needs:

TAFE Queensland is committed to helping students identify their learning support needs.

TAFE Queensland will provide language, literacy and numeracy (LLN) testing as part of your application for admission:

  • If it is required as part of your course (e.g. you’re seeking a VET Student Loan, you’re seeking to enrol as an apprentice or trainee, or you’re seeking admission into a foundation skills course); or
  • You request it from us and you are eligible for learning support (excludes Higher Education students). We will talk to you about approaches to learning support at orientation.


Completion of Language, Literacy and Numeracy Testing:

If you are undertaking an LLN test, we’ll advise you of the date when you can undertake the test, and provide you with all the information you need to access and complete the test.


Assessment of Learning Support Needs:

Where an LLN test indicates that learning support is required, or you have identified to us that you may need learning support, we’ll help you to understand any support needs and work with you to identify the types of assistance available to you.


Development and Implementation of Training and Support Plans:

Following any assessment of your support needs, we’ll work with you to develop a Training and Support Plan, which will outline how we’ll provide support for you, for example for:

  • Any course requirements you might have;
  • Any adjustments to the classroom or practical setting;
  • Other additional services, such as additional tutorials, help with study and organisation skills, support for English and Maths skills.

We’ll only share this information with relevant staff, to ensure you’re getting the support you need.

From there, we’ll work with you to implement your Training and Support Plan, and review the plan on a regular basis, to ensure it’s up to date.

AccessAbility Support

What You Need to Know

Identification and Assessment of AccessAbility Support Needs:

If you have a disability, impairment, or long term condition, you are encouraged to advise TAFE Queensland about this as part of your admissions application, through the:

Once you do this, we’ll consult with you to discuss your circumstances, this may include review of medical documentation and any previous support arrangements. From there we will assess what types of support might help you with your study, and determine our capacity to meet these needs.


Development and Implementation of AccessAbility Plans:

Where this assessment has identified support needs, we’ll work with you to develop an AccessAbility Plan, which will outline how we’ll provide support for you, for example for:

  • Any course requirements you might have;
  • Any adjustments to the classroom or practical setting;
  • Co-ordination of any relevant funding applications, or requests for access from support agencies; and
  • Other additional services.

We’ll only share this information with relevant staff, to ensure you’re getting the support you need.

From there, we’ll work with you to implement your AccessAbility Plan, and review the plan on a regular basis, to ensure it’s up to date.

What You Need to Know

What is Cyberbullying?

Cyberbullying is the inappropriate use of social media or electronic devices and equipment for the purposes of bullying or harassing other persons. It can include:

  • Posting hurtful comments or embarrassing photos on online discussion boards or social media;
  • Sending abusive messages or images through mobile phones or the internet;
  • Sending emails that vilify, demean or humiliate a person or group;
  • Setting up hate websites or blogs to vilify someone;
  • Targeted and persistent personal emails or postings aimed at ridiculing, insulting, damaging or humiliating a person in relation to, for example, physical appearance, background, preferences, religion, gender, race, disability, sexual orientation and/or political beliefs;
  • Encouraging someone to self-harm;
  • Using chat rooms, instant messaging or gaming areas to harass or threaten someone;
  • Accessing another person’s online account without their permission.


How Does TAFE Queensland Deal with Cyberbullying?

If you are being bullied online, talk to a TAFE Queensland educator or any other staff member.


TAFE Queensland will help you if you experience cyberbullying, whether the perpetrators of the cyberbullying are TAFE Queensland students or not. This includes:

  • TAFE Queensland will in the first instance help you with some strategies you can immediately implement to deal with the issue, and refer you to our counselling and student support services for support;
  • TAFE Queensland will remove any content from TAFE Queensland social media sites; and
  • If the person undertaking the cyberbullying is a TAFE Queensland student, it is Major Misconduct under the TAFE Queensland Student Rules and Policies. TAFE Queensland will make sure that person is subject to a formal disciplinary process.


What Can You Do in Cases of Cyberbullying?

Along with the support TAFE Queensland will provide you, there are also some strategies you can implement if you are being bullied online:



  • Save any evidence of the bullying.
  • Keep a record of it to support the actions you can take to stop the cyberbullying.



  • Block future messages or connections with the person undertaking the cyberbullying.
  • Don’t reply to any bullying targeted at you online. Often people will say hurtful things just to get a reaction, so don’t give them the satisfaction. Only if you feel safe, you may let the cyberbully know this is not ok and you want them to stop before blocking them.



  • Log off from the messages or sites where the bullying is occurring.
  • This will keep you from seeing any future messages. It will be better to talk to TAFE Queensland and agree on your forward approach before logging back on.



  • Your educator or other staff member will help you have further discussions with a TAFE Queensland counsellor (or other counselling service if you prefer) to provide further support and strategies.
  • For more information on cyberbullying and the strategies and support options available to you, you can take a look at our Cyberbullying Student Fact Sheets.

Other Support Services

What You Need to Know

Counselling Services:

TAFE Queensland will provide or refer students to counselling services if you are experiencing issues that affect your studies or welfare.

TAFE Queensland also offers career guidance to help guide students in the selection of appropriate courses and study pathways.


Indigenous Support:

Where funded, TAFE Queensland offers specific Indigenous support to enable students from Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander backgrounds to successfully complete their training and assessment. This support will be provided through identified Indigenous Support Officers or through coaching and mentoring support.


International Student Support:

In addition to the support services available to all students, international students have access to dedicated support services as part of the orientation process, to assist with issues such as safety, health, accommodation, course progress and attendance requirements.


Higher Education and Pathway Support:

In addition to the support services available to all students, Higher Education students have access to dedicated support services including a Counsellor and Disability Support Officer, Indigenous Support Officers, and International Student Support Advisors.


Apprentices and Trainees Support:

In addition to the support services available to all students, Apprentices and Trainees with a disability have access to Disabled Australian Apprentice Wage Support funding to access tutorial support, interpreters, and mentor services.


English Language and Cultural Support:

TAFE Queensland offers free Adult Migrant English Programs to eligible new migrants to Australia.


In addition, TAFE English Language and Literacy Services funds Community Liaison Officers who support English language students by providing culturally appropriate counselling and problem solving. They will also offer advice to TAFE Queensland educators in relation to supporting these students.


Library Services Support, and Information and Communication Technology Support:

Support is also available to students to maximise their use of TAFE Queensland libraries and information and communication technologies.

Through the TAFE Queensland library, students will have access to a range of resources to assist with assignment research and referencing, job search, job applications, interview skills and resume writing.

TAFE Queensland provides video tutorials, online and printable reference guides, and troubleshooting support to students undertaking their study online through the Connect learning management system.

Further Information

For more information on the student support services that are available to you go to the Student Support Services section of the TAFE Queensland website. You can also use this page to make an enquiry and book an appointment with the appropriate TAFE Queensland team.