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Discover My Career

Work Preference Questionnaire

Choosing a career, now made easier

Discover My Career - Work Preference Questionnaire

If you are unsure which direction your career should go in, you're thinking about making a career change, or you just want to feel more fulfilled in your career, Discover My Career with the Career Navigation System is for you.

The Career Navigation System is the world's most technologically advanced career and self-exploration platform, giving you a personalised interactive online webpage that provides predictive insights into your career enjoyment and career success.

Developed in conjunction with TAFE Queensland

The Australian version of the Career Navigation System has questions specifically designed to identify how you work and what drives your decisions and beliefs to give you an understanding of your personality and the career areas that you would be best suited to.

  • The questionnaire is straightforward, measuring 175 characteristics including interests, work values, task & work environment preferences and interpersonal preferences.
  • Discover My Career platform is available in 40 different languages, making it accessible to a wide audience.
  • The reports are thorough and powerful, providing you with over 1,000 careers ranked in order according to your likes and dislikes. Careers are sorted by education levels from Certificates, Diplomas, Traineeships, Apprenticeships, Bachelors, Masters and Doctorates.

Based on Enjoyment Performance Methodology, Harrison's 25+ years of research proves that individuals who enjoy 75% or more of their career are 3 times more likely to succeed than those who enjoy less than 75% of their career.

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Discover My Career - powered by Harrison Career Navigation System (CNS)

After submitting this form, on the next page you'll be prompted for payment details.

If you make payment successfully, a link to access the tool will be sent to your supplied email address within 48 hours of clearing.

Complete the form below to sign up