VET Student Loans - Tax File Number (TFN) Verification
How to provide the right documents for your application.
How do I meet this requirement?
To access Commonwealth assistance you must supply evidence that the name and address you supply to us at time of enrolment matches the details linked to your TFN recorded with the Australian Taxation Office (ATO). You can do this by supplying a screen shot of your details from the ATO section of your my.Gov account. This must show your name and address. These details must match the information you supply to us for your enrolment. If you do not have a my.Gov account, instructions and a video on how to create an account can be found here.
Alternatively, call the ATO helpdesk on 13 28 61, Monday - Friday 8.00 am - 6.00 pm for assistance. In addition, once your enrolment is finalised, we will send you an eCAF. When completing your eCAF please ensure that you use the correct TFN.
1. Visit your MyGov Account via this link:
2. Click on the ATO Box:

3. You will be directed to the below – click on ‘My Profile’:

4. Take a Screen shot of the below information, ensuring that both your name and address is included (you may need to do this via 2 separate screenshots: