Aged care and disability services
The aged care and disability support industries provide a vital role to both individuals and communities. They enable our elderly loved ones to maintain their dignity, independence, and quality of life as they age and support individuals with disabilities to participate fully in society and live fulfilling lives. Skilled professionals in these industries play a critical role in improving the lives of the people they support.
At TAFE Queensland, our focus is on supporting your business to develop the skills of your workforce, ensuring the ongoing provision of exemplary services in residential, home, community, and health care settings. We understand the complex requirements of being able to cater to the differing care and support needs and preferences of individuals, and differences in identity and culture. Our solutions bring together the best training content, technology and delivery methods to suit your business.
We offer a range of solutions including accredited training, traineeships, RPL and micro-credentials across the aged care and disability services sectors. We can also work with you to develop bespoke and customised training solutions that meet the unique needs of your organisation. Contact us today to see how we can help you meet your workforce development goals.
Solutions and services
Accredited training
We offer a range of quality accredited training options including skill sets and certificates in disability support, allied health, health services, community services, and individual support with specialisations in disability, ageing, and home and community.
Traineeships are a great option for both new starters beginning their career, and for existing employees. Trainees will work towards the completion of a nationally-recognised qualification while learning valuable skills at work and under the guidance of our experienced and specialist teachers.
Recognition of prior learning and gap training
Recognition of prior learning (RPL) is perfect for organisations that have experienced employees who don’t hold a qualification. We work with individuals to recognise their skills, and complete a gap training plan. In response to the Royal Commission's findings into Aged Care and Disability Services we have re-designed our process to support employers in the industry.
Micro-credentials are short, highly-targeted courses designed to help employees improve specific skills. We can create micro-credentials specific to your needs, or provide access to our existing suite including cultural competence, digital literacy and research. Micro-credentials are a cost-effective way of providing professional development to your staff to upskill them and keep them current.
Language and literacy
We offer a range of solutions to support learners with literacy and numeracy issues. We use the Basic Key Skills Builder (bksb) to determine reading and numeracy levels within the Australian Core Skills Framework (ACSF). The bksb tool identifies current working levels for English and maths, as well as gaps in the individual’s skills. For each skill gap, there is a learning resource that includes practical exercises and answers to help an individual find success. We also offer Foundation Skills programs that support individuals build their English language skills.
Workforce development planning
Workforce development planning ensures you have the right people in the right place at the right time. As part of our process we work with you to create a plan that outlines required training to fill skills and knowledge gaps, identifies future needs as your business changes and industry demands diversify, improves staff retention and morale, and addresses downtime, turnover and recruitment costs.
Funding and subsidies
New and existing workers can access a range of funded and subsidised courses in both aged care and disability services. That means staff can upskill or reskill and gain a nationally-accredited qualification at low or no cost (eligibility criteria apply). Contact us today to find out how you can take advantage of this great opportunity.
Our people and expertise
We employ over 2,500 teachers and trainers across Queensland. All of our teaching and training staff are appropriately qualified with significant industry experience, meaning we can meet your skills and workforce development needs across Australia. Our team – dedicated to building the skills of our aged care and disability services workforce – are experts at what they do, and can offer specialist training in areas like dementia, palliative care, trauma care/wounds, and person-centred support.
Our people

Community Services Product Lead & Strategic Projects, Community Services
Bev holds a number of qualifications including a Master of Education, Graduate Diploma in Health Science and an undergraduate in education and is a registered teacher with the Queensland College of Teachers. Bev has worked for TAFE Queensland for 24 years, in various roles from teacher to state manager of the Community Services Skilling Plan. In her current role as Community Services Product Lead, Bev works with teachers and industry across multiple sectors including aged care, leisure and health, disability, mental health, youth work, counselling, early childhood, education support and child protection. Bev is engaged in several strategic initiatives relevant to the community services workforce and has led large strategic initiatives on behalf of TAFE Queensland over the past 15 years.
Bev convenes several project steering groups and sits on a range of committees including the national TAFE Aged Care Taskforce (TACT). She is the recipient of multiple education and training awards as well as major sector awards, including the Premier’s Award.
Director of Faculty (Health and Nursing, Gold Coast)
Deb Blow, RN BN Grad Dip Crit Care Grad Dip FET GAICD, has worked in the health industry for over 30 years. After starting out in aged care, Deb went on to become an Enrolled Nurse and then a Registered Nurse. Deb has worked in a diverse range of areas including aged care, surgical, emergency, peri-operative and critical care in public, private and rural/remote settings prior to transitioning to the university and then VET sector.
Deb holds roles on national committees such as: Director, Australian Nursing and Midwifery Accreditation Council (ANMAC) Board; Member of the Nursing and Midwifery Strategic Reference Group; and Member of the National Enrolled Nurse Advisory Council (NENAC). Deb has also represented TAFE Directors Australia in Commonwealth appointed expert advisory groups in health, aged care and nursing.
Deb is the recipient of the National Achievement Award from the 2020 Australian Training Awards.
Our facilities
Our experienced teaching staff and modern facilities fully prepare individuals to work in the aged care and disability services sectors. Through real life examples and hands-on learning in our purpose-built simulated clinical wards your employees will gain the skills they need to help your business achieve its goals. Our facilities have been designed in consultation with industry, and give individuals access to both foundation and state-of-the-art equipment.
Key account management personnel

Executive Director Business Development
Helping you achieve your training and workforce goals is important to us. Contact us today by submitting an enquiry below. Our key account management (KAM) team will be in contact, and one of our KAMs will work with you to develop the perfect solution.
Project Manager
Helping you achieve your training and workforce goals is important to us. Contact us today by submitting an enquiry below. Our key account management (KAM) team will be in contact, and one of our KAMs will work with you to develop the perfect solution.
Business Development Lead
Helping you achieve your training and workforce goals is important to us. Contact us today by submitting an enquiry below. Our key account management (KAM) team will be in contact, and one of our KAMs will work with you to develop the perfect solution.
Business Development Officer
Helping you achieve your training and workforce goals is important to us. Contact us today by submitting an enquiry below. Our key account management (KAM) team will be in contact, and one of our KAMs will work with you to develop the perfect solution.
Business Strategies Consultant
Helping you achieve your training and workforce goals is important to us. Contact us today by submitting an enquiry below. Our key account management (KAM) team will be in contact, and one of our KAMs will work with you to develop the perfect solution.
Business Development Officer
Helping you achieve your training and workforce goals is important to us. Contact us today by submitting an enquiry below. Our key account management (KAM) team will be in contact, and one of our KAMs will work with you to develop the perfect solution.