Please be aware TAFE Queensland's contact centres will be closed from 1pm (AEST) Friday 14 February for scheduled system updates, and will reopen on 9am, (AEST) Monday 17 February. Our campuses are still open, check for opening hours, or get in touch via email.

Visit our Campus Update page for more information regarding disruptions related to flooding in North Queensland. 

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Please be aware TAFE Queensland's contact centres will be closed from 1pm (AEST) Friday 14 February for scheduled system updates, and will reopen on 9am, (AEST) Monday 17 February. Our campuses are still open, check for opening hours, or get in touch via email.

Tahlia is working her way towards a nursing career

For school-based trainee Tahlia Livingstone, working one day a week in aged care is a pathway to her dream career - nursing.

Tahlia initially completed a Certificate II in Health Support Services (HLT23215) and the course inspired her interest in health services.

“I started with the Certificate II in Health Support Services (HLT23215) but I wanted to go further and my teachers thought it would be a good idea,” Tahlia said.

“I did some more research into it on the TAFE Queensland website and thought it would be something I'd be interested in, so I went for it,” she added.

From learning in the classroom, to learning on the job, a Certificate III in Individual Support (CHC33015) traineeship can provide an opportunity to facilitate support for people in aged care, or in home and community care.

“I’ve learnt practical skills like using a hoist at work and providing appropriate care with the residents,” Tahlia explained.

“My end goal is to be a registered nurse, but I didn't want to go via the Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) pathway.”

“I'm doing a traineeship now so that when I leave school, I can do my enrolled nursing course with TAFE Queensland and then do my registered nursing training in the future.”

The health services industry is experiencing strong growth and will continue to do so into the future, with qualified workers in high demand.

“Our industry is very, very short-staffed.” Tahlia said.

“It’s a very full-on industry to be in, but it is very rewarding.”

“Some of the things you see and have to deal with can be confronting and hard, but it makes you feel good knowing that you are helping take care and provide for someone who is elderly.”

Tahlia is encouraging of people who are considering a career in health services and believes it’s the ideal career for people who are empathic and caring.

“You’ve got to be a very kind and understanding person, and you have to be patient.”

“You've got to work hard to get there, but it's definitely worth it,” Tahlia said.