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Password and technical support

As a TAFE Queensland student, you have access to our computer network and a range of digital services including WiFi, Connect, Studiosity, Password Manager and more. 

On this page you will learn more about each system, what they do and how to access them. 

Digital access

To access our digital services you first need to create a password by following these steps:

  1. To create a password use the Password Manager
  2. Enter your Student ID Number/User Name
  3. Follow the prompts.

Your password will remain valid for 12 months. Automatic reminders will prompt you to change your password as required.

Student portal

The student self service portal is your one-stop-shop for easy access to the information you need about your study with TAFE Queensland. On the portal you can:

  • access your current study plan and results
  • pay your fees and apply for a VET Student Loan
  • update your address and contact details


For any other technical issues or questions please contact us.


Connect is TAFE Queensland's Learning Management System (LMS). For courses delivered through Connect, it will give you access to your study resources, the ability to submit assessments and communicate with teachers and classmates, the flexibility to study anywhere, any time, and more. Your Confirmation of Enrolment (COE) will tell you if your course is delivered through Connect. Your account information will be included in this documentation and/or emailed to you.


Microsoft 365

Information on how to set up and access Microsoft 365 (formerly Office 365) as a TAFE Queensland student.

Retrieve your student ID number

You will need your Student ID to login to various TAFE Queensland systems. If you have forgotten or misplaced your Student ID number, use this tool to retrieve it.

Retrieve my Student ID

Password management

Reset your password

If you have forgotten or need to reset your password, use the Password Manager.

For further password issues, please contact us.

Student password complexity requirements

Weak passwords leave your account vulnerable to access by others. Your password requires:

  • A minimum of 9 characters and maximum of 64 characters AND
  • characters from three of the following categories:
    • An uppercase letter (A-Z)
    • A lowercase letter (a-z)
    • A numeric character (0-9)
    • A special character (~!@#$%^&*_-+=`|\(){}[]:;"'<>,.?/)

Please note:

  • Currency symbols such as the Euro (€) or British Pound (£) are not special characters for this policy setting.
  • Passwords cannot contain your Student ID Number/User Name or any part of your Name. 

Password tips

  • Securely store your password
  • Never share your password
  • Avoid using common words or reusing passwords
  • Use catch phrases or unlikely word combinations



Free WiFi is available for students at all TAFE Queensland campuses.

You can use the WiFi to access your course materials, online services, and more. By using the WiFi you are agreeing to the student rules and policies.

To find out more about WiFi on campus, please visit


Printing services for students

TAFE Queensland is making its student printing processes and pricing the same across the state. This change will ensure our students have a consistent experience, no matter where they study, how they study, or what they study.

Starting in 2025 every TAFE Queensland student, including those studying online, will get $10 of free credit for printing each semester. Any credit currently in your account will be carried over. This rollout will happen progressively throughout the year.

Learn more


You will need to use and password to log in.

If you have forgotten or need to reset your password, use the TAFE Password Manager.

Can't log into Connect

Wrong website

Confirm you are accessing

Wrong login credentials

Check you are using the correct user ID ( and the password you set when you registered with us. If you have not yet set a password or can no longer remember it please reset your password via the TAFE Password Manager - Student Password reset

Forgotten or expired password

Reset your password via the TAFE Password Manager.

Email not correct

Passwords are sent to your email. If your email is incorrect in our systems, this will prevent password reset from working via the TAFE Password Manager. Check that the email you provided TAFE Queensland is correct and that the reset email isn’t in your junk folder. To update your email contact us.

Can't find or access course or specific units

Not enrolled

Check that you are enrolled. If you are not enrolled, contact us to enrol. If you are enrolled and cannot access Connect, contact us. Please note that units/courses will not be available until the official Start of Study date (SOS).

Enrolled prior to Start of Study (SOS)

If you enrolled prior to your course commencement date, you will not be able to access your units until your Start of Study date (SOS). Additionally, you will not be able to access your units to make any amendments once the Close of Study date (COS) has passed. If your course/intake has commenced and you are unable to view your units, please contact us.

Teacher has not made it available

Confirm with your teacher if they are using Connect for your class (as not all classes have an online component). Please note that units/courses will not be available until the official Start of Study date (SOS).

Experiencing technical difficulties

Technical issues or device limitation

Check that your computer/device supports Connect using the System Check. If technical issues continue, try using a different web browser and/or a different computer or device.

Other technical issues

If you have tried troubleshooting or the problem persists, contact us.