Please be aware TAFE Queensland's contact centres will be closed from 1pm (AEST) Friday 14 February for scheduled system updates, and will reopen on 9am, (AEST) Monday 17 February. Our campuses are still open, check for opening hours, or get in touch via email.

Visit our Campus Update page for more information regarding disruptions related to flooding in North Queensland. 

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Please be aware TAFE Queensland's contact centres will be closed from 1pm (AEST) Friday 14 February for scheduled system updates, and will reopen on 9am, (AEST) Monday 17 February. Our campuses are still open, check for opening hours, or get in touch via email.

'Thirteen' a lucky number for Paynters and TAFE Queensland

Thirteen years, six comprehensively trained carpenters and three current apprentices - Paynters and TAFE Queensland are honouring their 13th year of a training partnership with a reflection of why it works so well.

By TAFE Queensland

Paynters is an Australian-owned and operated construction company that has been delivering high quality and award-winning buildings across the health and aged care, community, hospitality, education, insurance, defence and industrial sectors for 62 years, and have entrusted TAFE Queensland to train their carpentry apprentices for 13 years.

“We [Paynters] first partnered with TAFE Queensland in 2008 and since then have had six apprentices TAFE trained – there are currently three of our apprentices completing their qualifications at TAFE Queensland’s Acacia Ridge campus," said Brett Johnston, Paynters General Manager.

Flexible delivery and contemporary training provided by passionate TAFE Queensland teachers is what ultimately underpins the partnership’s success.

“We choose to send our apprentices to TAFE Queensland because they understand our need for flexible training delivery," continued Mr Johnston.

“Commercial construction can at times be difficult to pre-plan and there are times when it’s imperative to have an apprentice on site to learn skills first-hand. We are thankful that TAFE understands this and work around our needs to accommodate our apprentice training."

Paynters' apprentices complete their carpentry training through intensive two-week block training at TAFE Queensland Acacia Ridge and Bracken Ridge campuses, onsite, and on-demand. Thus, providing complete flexibility and complementing Paynters’ ongoing projects.

"Other service providers can be very reluctant to accommodate the same level of flexibility in their training environments, so we are fortunate to have that synergy with TAFE."

“The training facilities are world class. They – TAFE Queensland – are industry leaders, with their training environments, equipment and tools reflecting industry standard and contemporary practice.”

“Training and upskilling are an important part of ensuring our projects deliver the best results,” concluded Mr Johnston.

But it's not just management who endorse TAFE Queensland-delivered apprenticeships. Fourth-year apprentice Nick Duffy acknowledges that TAFE not only helps him complete his current training, but also helps him and his fellow apprentices to prepare for future opportunities like running their own businesses or upskilling to different roles in the construction industry.

“My TAFE training has given me the right skills and knowledge to be able to work effectively in the industry by having the right problem solving and communication skills to tackle the many and varied tasks I come across onsite,” said Nick.

"TAFE Queensland has a wide range of high-end facilities for all apprentices to learn the tools of the trade, offering the highest quality of training in all of the up to date skills and techniques required in industry."

“The majority of the TAFE teachers have 25 years’ (or more) industry experience, which allows them to provide very high quality and best-practice training for all students.”

The Paynters and TAFE Queensland partnership is one that has clearly flourished. Whilst a ‘thirteenth anniversary’ marriage gift is usually lace, or in modern times – textiles, both offerings obviously hold little relevance in the construction industry.

TAFE Queensland however promises to continue to deliver Paynters the most current, comprehensive, flexible and passionate training to its current and future cohort of carpentry apprentices. Unequivocally the best ‘souvenir’ to all.

TAFE Queensland is contributing to communities through the provision of the ‘Free TAFE to Under 25s’ initiative, which delivers (State Government) subsidised training to those under the age of 25, across a range of high priority training areas including construction, electrotechnology, engineering, childcare, nursing and health.