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How to submit your workshop proposal

Selected workshops will be scheduled on July 2, as a pre-conference workshop and will be held face-to-face at South Bank campus. Workshop facilitators are expected to be on-campus, in-person to present accepted workshop proposals. Proposals should identify the relevance to the topic of teaching and learning in vocational and/or higher education. More specifically, successful proposals will be well connected to the 2025 SolT conference theme of, “Empowering education through confidence and change.”.

We encourage practical and experiential sessions that demonstrate to participants actionable strategies. The proposal should include details about how you plan to engage the participants.

Workshops should be designed as two hours in length. Please include detail in your proposal about how the two hours will be utilised in this workshop. More specifically, please outline a plan to engage workshop participants.

Pre-conference workshop proposal: Structure

  • Title of proposed pre-conference workshop
  • Names, title and institutional affiliation of workshop facilitators
    • 100 words biography and contact information of workshop facilitators
  • Relevance and importance to the vocational and higher education sectors
  • Connection to 2025 SoLT conference theme
  • Expected target audience and expected maximum number of participants
  • Outline of proposed workshop content, format and activities
    • Please identify any specific resources required
    • Plan for participant engagement

Workshop proposals 

Please complete the below form to submit your workshop proposal.

Once you have submitted you will receive an email confirming receipt of your submission.

If your submission is accepted you will be notified on 31st March 2025 by email.