TAFE Queensland follows the transparency requirements related to Infectious Disease status; Immunisation status and Criminal history checks for its students as outlined by the Dental Board of Australia and AHPRA.
These transparency requirements are embedded within the registration requirements for dental practitioners or those seeking to become registered in the dental profession. Please see Australian Guidelines for the Prevention and Control of Infection in Healthcare (2019) and Australian Dental Association Guidelines for Infection Control and the Dental Board of Australia’s Guidelines on Infection Control for more information.
Orientation session
Part of the Higher Education enrolment process at TAFE Queensland is your attendance at orientation. This provides you with information about being a Dental Prosthetist. It will enable you to make an informed decision about your ability to successfully complete the course.
At orientation, you will be informed about the academic calendar, time commitments, and other demands the course will place upon you, so you can make an informed decision about your enrolment at TAFE Queensland. Learn more >
Basic Key Skills Builder (bksb)
Successful applicants enrolling into the first semester are required to undergo diagnostic testing through the Basic Key Skills Builder platform. This testing is delivered by TAFE Queensland.
This process identifies knowledge gaps in mathematics and English language competencies. This is followed by referring students to remedial classes as required.
Government Loan Schemes
This course is also approved for FEE-HELP. FEE-HELP is an Australian Government loan scheme that covers the cost of your tuition fees on your behalf. FEE-HELP is available to students who are not studying in a Commonwealth supported place (and are therefore not eligible for HECS-HELP).
Criminal History check
During your enrolment at TAFE Queensland you may be required to provide TAFE Queensland with updated Criminal History Checks. If your police check identifies that you have a criminal history you may be disqualified from being eligible to undertake your clinical assessment, which would affect your course outcomes. If you think this might impact you, please speak to the course coordinator for further information. For further information see AHPRA.
First Aid and CPR
You must provide evidence of the attainment of a first-aid certificate and cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) certificate before commencement of Semester 2, Year 1. TAFE Queensland offers the First Aid and CRP Skill Set (SSHLT0031) which includes Provide cardiopulmonary resuscitation (HLTAID009) and Provide First Aid (HLTAID011) core units. The cost may vary dependant on requirements. Students must meet the costs of their First Aid/CPR course. CPR re-certification is required annually. You are required to provide updated evidence of CPR currency prior to each clinical unit.
Please note the following exclusions:
- First Aid and CPR certificates from Queensland Health will not be accepted as Queensland Health is not an accredited training provider.
- First Aid and CPR certificates from online courses will not be accepted.
- International First Aid or CPR training certificates will not be accepted.
Immunisation and Vaccination and health tests
TAFE Queensland has a duty of care to its students, staff and patients to prevent the transmission of disease. It is mandatory that all students have current immunisation and vaccination status to minimise illness from communicable diseases and infections. TAFE Queensland follows the Dental Board of Australia’s Guidelines on Infection Control , Australian Dental Council Guidance for registered dental practitioners: Infection prevention and control and the Queensland Health Policy on student placements.
Students must meet the costs associated with these evidence requirements.
All evidence for the required immunisations, vaccinations and health tests must be provided prior to commencing in Semester 2, Year 1. Some vaccinations may take several months to complete the vaccination program. This may mean you will need to commence your vaccination plan at the commencement of your study.
Required immunisations, vaccinations and health tests
- Diptheria, Tetanus and Pertussis (whooping cough)
- Hepatitis B (the full process can take several months to complete)
- Varicella (chickenpox)
- MMR vaccine (Measles, Mumps, Rubella)
- Tuberculosis
- Blood Borne Viruses (where relevant)
Recommended immunisations
- Seasonal influenza
- COVID-19
- Hepatitis A (where relevant and recommended by a medical practitioner)
Appropriate forms
You are able to download current forms and guides here, to take to your treating medical practitioner. Further information will be provided during orientation.
Reference: Vaccination requirements: Information for education provider student placement supervisors
Inherent Requirements
Inherent requirements are the abilities, attributes, skills and behaviours needed to meet the learning outcomes of this course. Please carefully read the inherent requirements and be aware of those ongoing requirements. You must be able to meet the inherent requirements in order to graduate from the course. Please read the next section regarding Students with a health conditions or impairment.
Disability or Impairment
TAFE Queensland has requirements to provide access to student support services and to promote and foster a safe environment on campus and online for its students, staff and the public. Students with a disability or impairment that detrimentally affects, or is likely to detrimentally affect, their capacity to practice must self-identify to comply with requirements of the Dental Board of Australia: For students please see AHPRA Registration and for prospective prosthetist please see Dental Board Registration.
Dental Board of Australia Requirements
Graduates of this course will be eligible to apply for registration with the Dental Board of Australia via the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency subject to meeting any additional requirements that may be stipulated by the Dental Board of Australia.
For further information, see the Dental English Language Skills Registration Standard on the Dental Board of Australia website. Learn more >
For initial registration as a dental practitioner or student you will be required to make a declaration that you are aware of your infection status for blood borne viruses and that you will comply with the Communicable Diseases Network Australia’s Australian National Guidelines for the Management of Health Care Workers known to be infected with Blood-Borne Viruses and with the requirements of the Dental Board of Australia’s Guidelines on infection control. Learn more Dental Board Registration.
Blood-borne viruses (BBVs) include Hepatitis B (HBV), Hepatitis C (HCV) and human immunodeficiency (HIV) viruses. These viruses are transmitted by blood-to-blood contact or, in some instances, with bodily fluids contacting blood or mucosa.
Student Profile
The student profile is a snapshot of data about all students who commenced undergraduate study in the most recent semester intake, including applicants offered in all offer rounds across all campuses and international students.
A student profile is provided for TAFE Queensland as a whole as well as for each of our undergraduate courses. The student profile shows the number of students admitted to the institution/course, along with their life and education experiences. Learn more >
Advanced Standing
Advanced Standing comprises credit and recognition of prior learning. You may be able to have your prior studies or work experience count as credit towards your course and be able to graduate sooner. We call this 'advanced standing'.
Prior studies include units completed at TAFE Queensland or at another institution. Our policy is available here.
This course has the following specific advanced standing as outlined here.