Pre-enrolment Information
Everyone studies for different reasons, it could be to get that first job, change careers, become specialised in a particular skill or just because a course is interesting to us. We grow as a person when we study and your learning journey with TAFE begins, or continues, here.
At TAFE Queensland it is important that you Learn, Engage, Achieve and Progress (LEAP) through your studies.
LEAP is designed to support students to prepare for, engage with, and achieve success with their study at TAFE Queensland, while self-monitoring their progress, support needs, and mental health and wellbeing.
‘Before I start’ will help you learn about TAFE and your study options.
‘Starting successfully’ will help you discover how to engage in your studies and prepare yourself to learn.
‘How can I stay on track?’ will help you discover strategies to achieve success by staying active and asking for help if you need it.
‘Completing successfully’ will help you discover learning pathways to enable you to progress toward future studies or employment goals.
What level of study is right for me?
The course level which may suitable for you depends on your level of responsibility at work, what you want to achieve, and what skills and knowledge you already have. For example, you might be:
- Wanting a new career path
- Refreshing foundations and language skills
- Preparing for further study
- Building on existing skills and qualifications
- Taking on more responsibility at work, or
- Planning a pathway to higher education.
Before choosing a course, find out more about the range of course types TAFE Queensland offers, and what the specific study and skills requirements are for each level by exploring the options available.

Explore possible careers
Your Career uses what type of occupation you are interested in doing (both now and in the future), your experience in these roles, any qualifications, preferences and interests. Also look at Seek's role page for different careers, their salaries and number of job opportunities.
What do I need to have ready before I enrol?
Some courses have specific entry requirements. For some professionally accredited courses, there are specific inherent requirements which may affect your ability to successfully complete a course. You need to be aware of these before you start your study. It is important that you check the specific requirements for the course you wish to enrol in.
Documents that need to be submitted for students to be able to complete their enrolment can include:
- Funding/course fees applications
- Minimum age requirements
- Language, literacy & numeracy testing
- Mandatory prerequisite qualification or unit results
- Blue card applications
- Police checks
- Vaccinations
- White cards
- Yellow cards
- Uniforms/special workplace equipment

Visit our Entry Requirements page and find further links to information for International students, TAFE degree entry, information on your Unique Student Identifier (USI) and more.
You should also read the entry requirement section on the course information page for your chosen qualification.
If you have questions about the entry requirements for your course, please contact us.
How do I know if I am ready to study?
Are you ready to study at TAFE? Being ready to study isn’t only about having the right documentation, it’s also about having the right mindset. You should want to study.
Tips for finding the right motivation for study include:
- Finding a course that interests you
- Having a study goal in mind
- Making time available for meeting your course requirements
- Being committed to your study goal.
The quiz is a quick self-assessment tool that will help you understand whether you have computer and technology skills required for study and how you can build these skills when preparing for study.
How is learner diversity in TAFE Queensland supported?
TAFE has more diverse groups of learners than any other sector in the education system. Not only does it cater for young people still at school and school leavers, but it also offers those learners who, after a prolonged absence from formal education or training, to complete their studies or transition to a new career.
A person’s cultural background can contribute to aspects of the way they learn, for example:
- their approach to collaboration,
- their relationships with educators,
- their attitudes towards education, or
- their beliefs about the “right” way to learn.
Do you relate to any of these groups? If you have questions on diversity support for your needs, please contact us.
- Women, or those identifying as female
- Learners with disability
- People with learning disability or difficulty
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples
- People from non-English speaking backgrounds
- The LGBTIQ+ community
- Learners with literacy and numeracy difficulties
- International learners
- Learners from under-represented, rural and remote areas
- Young people
- Older people.
TAFE Queensland celebrates and values the diversity of its community, and is dedicated to ensuring equal opportunity and treatment for students throughout their learning experience.

What ways of study are offered at TAFE Queensland?
Everyone learns differently. TAFE Queensland's flexible range of ways to study are designed to help you get the most out of your time with us. The 2 main study methods are:
- On-campus learning: This can be a combination of face-to-face classes on a campus, online classes and/or resources, and work-based learning. Many students choose an on-campus delivery mode to take advantage of the campus specialisations, facilities and equipment.
Learn about studying on-campus here
- Online learning: Studying online with TAFE Queensland gives you access to our huge range of nationally-recognised qualifications with the flexibility and freedom to study in a way that suits you.
Learn more about online study - On campus
- On campus with some online
- Online self-directed
- Online virtual classroom
- Online with campus practical training
For more information please visit our ways to study page.
Do you relate to any of these learner groups?
- Apprenticeships and Traineeships
- International
- TAFE at School
- Experienced worker in field (RPL)
Find out more about these ways to study and groups
Can you find how many different ways this carpentry student completes his study and still chase waves on the Gold Coast? Watch A day in the life: Guilherme “Fino” Carvalho Montes, Carpentry
What is the difference between a full-time and part-time study load?
Courses can be undertaken as either full-time or part-time study. Either way, it will be an additional activity to your already busy life, so it is important to understand any impact.
Full-time study
These courses generally require 30-35 hours per week, similar to having a full-time job. Some courses may only have a one day on-campus requirement, but there will be other structured activities you will need to complete each week as well, to stay on top of your course needs.
Part-time study
These courses are generally 50-75% of full-time course hours, but it depends on the specific course. Studying or training part time extends the duration of your qualification but may be a more manageable option. Many people choose part-time study to fit in around their work or family commitments.
When calculating your study load consider all the time you will need for:
- Classes with a teacher or facilitator(face-to-face, online, work-based), AND
- Structured study activities outside of class time (for learning, reading, research and revision tasks, practising new skills, and completion of assessments).
Before choosing a study mode, it is recommended that you complete a weekly planner activity to see how much time you have.
How do I achieve a healthy work/leisure/study balance?
Before you enrol, it’s important to consider whether you can achieve all your weekly activities, including work, family commitments, and leisure, while also allocating enough hours to study. This balance is essential for good mental health and wellbeing, and to ensuring you achieve your learning goals and course outcomes.
Feeling a little anxious or stressed during your studies is normal and can actually help you to focus and get things done. On the other hand, too much stress or anxiety isn’t productive or healthy.
Watch these students’ stories to see how they balanced their study/life/work needs:
Cho's story
John's story
Linda's story
Why is a support network important to my success?
Your support network can include family, friends, organisations, and community support agencies. Support networks can:
- Help you to stay motivated about your study
- Help you to balance your work, leisure, family commitments and study
- Talk to you about your mental health and wellbeing
- Assist you to organise your study time
- Assist you in an emergency situation
You should revisit our Mental Health and Wellbeing page for TAFE specific support networks.
Visit Queensland Government’s Community website to discover support agencies near you.
What Information Technology and digital literacy skills will I need?
Because many TAFE Queensland courses use learning materials made available through our Learning Management System (called Connect), students are recommended to have their own computer, or have easy access to a computer, so they can complete their course work. TAFE Queensland provide a TAFE student email and access to MS Office programs to enrolled to provide access to software to actively participate in their course.
You may also need specific computer software for your course - find out more by reading the course outline section of individual courses and programs.
Digital literacy Skills
In general, it is recommended that students have access to a full-screen computer several times a week and the following technology skills before they start their course:
- Using Internet browsers (e.g. Chrome or Edge)
- Using Internet search engines (E.g. Google, Google Scholar)
- Navigating webpages
- Sending and receiving emails
- Attaching and downloading documents from emails
- Submitting assessments online
- Using portable storage devices (e.g. a USB)
- Downloading and saving documents to a computer or USB
- Basic Word Processing
Complete this short technology survey to determine your readiness to study at TAFE Queensland.
Don’t stress if you aren’t confident in all these skills, as we also have online tutorials to help you out: How to learn about or upgrade computer skills – TAFE Queensland Library Computer Skill online tutorials
What is Placement (Vocational or Work placement)?
Placement is work- based learning and assessment in Higher Education course it is called Professional Placement Practice. It is included in some courses as a compulsory component so that students can start practising their new skills in real-world environments. Courses which include placement have specific requirements and students should consider their personal circumstances before they enrol. These requirements may include:
- Shift work, including early mornings or late nights
- Placement weekends and public holidays
- Travel to to specific locations
- First Aid certificate with current CPR
- Blue Card
- Vaccinations
- Australian Federal Police check
To get further advice about placement requirements check the TAFE Queensland website for your course in your region, and the dates for TAFE Queensland Open Days or Careers Expos.
Proud Gooreng Gooreng woman Kimberley Apo is using her passion for her culture and heritage to help close the gap by promoting kindy as a deadly choice for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children. Watch her story:
Where can I get further advice?
TAFE Queensland offers a range of Student Support services to assist students before they enrol and during their studies.
To get further advice about the right course for you, make an appointment with one of our Student Support staff.
Check the TAFE Queensland website to see if there are any information sessions for your course in your region, and the dates for TAFE Queensland Open Days or Careers Expos.
Remember, we are here to help you achieve your study goals.
In this video, see how Daniel Ensor is now part of the team that helped Craig Lowndes take out the top spot in the 2018 Bathurst 1000. He credits TAFE Queensland for helping him get his foot in the door to this competitive industry.