Country | Australian Year 10 equivalent | Australian Year 12 equivalent |

| - Diploma de Ensino Medio (Year 10 equivalent)
- Diploma de Ensino Medio
- Diploma de Técnico de Nivel Medio
- IB Diploma

| - Educacion Media (Year 10 or Year 11 equivalent)
- Licencia de Educación Media (Certificate of Secondary Education Certificate)
- Licencia de Educación Media Técnico-Profesional (Certificate of Technical-Vocational Secondary Education)
- IB Diploma

| - Successful completion of Senior Grade 1 with reasonable results of more than 60% pass in academic subjects such as Maths, English, and Science.
| - Three years' Senior Middle School (Academic, Technical or Vocational) with reasonable results of more than 60% pass in academic subjects such as Maths, English, and Science
- IB Diploma

| - Bachillerato Upper Secondary Schooling (Year 11 equivalent)

| - Successful completion of one year of study towards the Upper Secondary School Leaving Certificate (Lukion Paastotodistus) with a minimum pass mark of five
| - Senior Secondary School Certificate (Lukion Paastotodistus)
- Initial Vocation qualification (Ammatillinen perustutkinto)

| - Completion of Year 10/2de Senior Secondary School/ Lycées General et Technologique
- Completion of Year 10 Vocational Senior Secondary School/ Lycées Professionnel
| - Baccalauréat Général - General Baccalaureate
- Baccalauréat Technologique - Technological Baccalaureate
- Baccalauréat Professionnel - Vocational Baccalaureate
- IB Diploma

| - Realshule or Hauptschule
- Completion of four years of Gymnasium
Hong Kong

| - Completion of Secondary 4 and evidence of progression to Secondary 5 or Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination (HKCEE).
| - Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education
- IB Diploma

| - Year 10 - All India Secondary School Certificate, Indian Certificate of Secondary Education, Secondary School Certificate
| - Senior School Certificate (awarded by the Central Board of Secondary Education) 4 Academic - English must be at 70% or above with other three subjects each 65% or above

| - Junior Secondary School Certificate of Completion plus 1 year Senior Secondary School
| - Certificate of Completion of Senior Secondary Education (Ijazah SMA or Surat Tanda Tamat Belajar: Sekolah Menengah Atas - STTB: SMA) issued by the school
- IB Diploma

| - Second year of Senior Secondary School
| - Diploma Liceale - Marked on a scale of 0-100 (maximum), with 60 the minimum pass mark
- Before 2010 - Diploma di superamento dell'esame di stato conclusivo dei corsi di istruzione secondaria superiore (Upper secondary school leaving certificate)
- IB Diploma

| - One year Upper Secondary
- Lower Secondary (Chugakko Sotsugyo Sho) plus one year further study
| - Certificate Upper Secondary School Certificate of Graduation
- IB Diploma

| - Sijil Pelajaran Malaysian SPM (four subject passes)
| - Sijil Tinggi Pelajaran Malaysia (STPM) (four subject passes)
- IB Diploma

| - School Leaving Certificate (SLC)
| - School Leaving Certificate + Higher Secondary Certificate - Grade average of 60 and above for grade 11 and 12 results (combined for final results)
- School Leaving Certificate + Proficiency Certificate - Grade average of 60 and above for grade 11 and 12 results (combined for final results)

| - Vitnemål fra grunnskolen (Certificate from Basic School) plus one year at upper secondary school
| - Vitnemål fra den videregaende skolen (Certificate from upper secondary school)
Papua New Guinea

| - School Certificate (Secondary School Leaving Certificate) - 4 C grades)

| - Certificate of Graduation / High School Diploma
| - High School Diploma plus one year of Post-Secondary School
- Two years of any Bachelor Degree
- IB Diploma

| - Singapore/Cambridge General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level (GCEO-level) - minimum 4 D grades
| - Singapore/Cambridge GCE Advanced Level Certificate with grade E or higher in two Advanced Level subjects and three Ordinary Level subjects.
- Completion of a Technician Diploma/Certificate from a Polytechnic
- IB Diploma
South Korea

| - One year of Senior High School
| - Ilbankye Kodung Hakkyo (General Senior High School Certificate)
- IB Diploma

| - Graduado en EducaciónSecundaria Obligatoria (Lower Secondary Compulsory Education Certificate)
| - Títulos de Bachiller/Bachillerato (Baccalaureate)
- IB Diploma

| - Slutbetyg Från Grundskola (Leaving Certificate) plus one year Upper Secondary
| - Swedish Secondary School Certificate (Slutbetyg Från Gymnasieskola)
- IB Diploma

| - Senior High School (first or second Year)
| - Senior High School Diploma or Senior Vocational School Diploma
- IB Diploma

| - Upper Secondary School - Matayom 4/5
| - Thailand Certificate of Secondary Education - Matayom 6 or MS 6
- IB Diploma

| - Successful completion of Year 11 with a 6.0 GPA
| - Upper Secondary Education Graduation Diploma (Bang Tot nghiep Trung hoc Pho thong) - with a 7.0 GPA
- IB Diploma