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School student marketing opt-in competition


Promotion NameSchool Student Marketing Opt-in Competition
PromoterTAFE Queensland ABN 72 898 805 093 of 1030 Cavendish Road, Mt Gravatt Qld 4122.
Permit NumbersNot applicable
Promotion PeriodThe Promotion starts at 9.00am AEST on Monday, 8 October 2018.

The Promotion closes at 5:00pm AEST on Friday, 11 October 2019.
No entries will be accepted after this time.
Relevant State(s)Queensland
Entry Restrictions

Entry is open to residents of Queensland aged 13 years or older at the commencement of the Promotion Period as well as enrolled in grade 10, 11 or 12 at, and are attending, a Queensland high school, 

Entrants less than 18 years of age must have the consent of their parent or guardian in order to enter. By entering this Promotion, entrants confirm that they have consent, and the Promoter reserves the right to verify this.

Verification RequirementsThe Promoter reserves the right to verify the enrolment status and age of entrants.
Entry Procedure

To enter, entrants must, during the Promotion Period:

(a) be invited by the Promoter to complete the Beats Competition Entry Form;

(b) complete the Beats Competition Entry Form by providing all information specified in the Beats Competition Entry Form and any additional information requested by the Promoter;

(c) as part of the Beats Competition Entry Form confirm that you have read, understood and agree to the terms and conditions of this Promotion by placing a tick in the appropriate check box; and

(d) if the entrant is under the age of 18, obtain consent from their parent or legal guardian:

              (i) to receive marketing communications from the Promoter; and

              (ii) to enter this promotion, in the form required by the Promoter

Entrants will be entered into one of the four Prize Draws depending on the date they enter the Promotion.  Entrants who enter the Promotion between:

(a) 9:00am AEST on Monday, 8 October 2018 and 11:59pm on Monday, 31 December 2018 will be entered into Prize Draw 1;

(b) 12:00am on Tuesday, 1 January 2019 and 11:59pm on Sunday, 31 March 2019 will be entered into Prize Draw 2;

(c) 12:00am on Monday, 1 April 2019 and 11:59pm on Sunday, 30 June 2019 will be entered into Prize Draw 3; and

(d) 12:00am on Monday, 1 July 2019 and 5:00pm on Friday, 11 October 2019 will be entered into Prize Draw 4.


Maximum Number of Entries1 per person - entrants cannot enter multiple Prize Draws and are only eligible to win 1 prize.
Judging Details

There will be four Prize Draws over the course of the Promotion Period.  Each Prize will be drawn at 10:00am AEST on the following dates:

  1. for Prize Draw 1, Friday, 11 January 2019;
  2. for Prize Draw 2, Friday, 12 April 2019
  3. for Prize Draw 3, Friday, 12 July 2019; and
  4. for Prize Draw 4, Friday, 18 October 2019.
Location: TAFE Queensland - A Block Level 6, 1030 Cavendish Road, Mt Gravatt Qld 4122.
Draw Method: Random electronic selection
Prize Details
  • Prize - Beats Solo3 Wireless On-Ear Headphones Defiant
  • No. Available - 4
  • Value of each prize (RRP) - $300.00
Total Prize PoolUp to $1200.00
Prize Restrictions/Exclusions (if any)

Prizes cannot be redeemed for cash.

Each Prize, once provided to the winner, is the responsibility of the winner and if lost or damaged will not be replaced by the Promoter.


Notification and Publication of WinnersWinners will be notified email within 5 business days of being selected. Prize winners’ names will also be published on the Promoter’s website at within 5 business days of the date of the relevant Prize Draw.
Prize Claim Date

Winners must claim their Prize by:

(a) for the winner of Prize Draw 1, 9:00am AEST on Monday, 15 April 2019;

(b) for the winner of Prize Draw 2, 9:00am AEST on Monday, 15 July 2019;

(c) for the winner of Prize Draw 3, 9:00am AEST on Monday, 14 October 2019; and

(d) for the winner of Prize Draw 4, 9:00am AEST on Monday, 20 January 2020.

Unclaimed Prize Draw

The draw date of the Unclaimed Prize Draws (if any) will be as follows:

  • for an unclaimed prize in Prize Draw 1, 10:00am AEST on Monday, 15 April 2019;
  • for an unclaimed prize in Prize Draw 2, 10:00am AEST on Monday, 15 July 2019;
  • for an unclaimed prize in Prize Draw 3, 10:00am AEST on Monday, 14 October 2019; and
  • for an unclaimed prize in Prize Draw 4, 10:00am AEST on Monday, 20 January 2020.

Location: TAFE Queensland, Level 9, 133 Mary Street, Brisbane, Queensland 4000

Publication Date: Within 5 business days of the date of the relevant Unclaimed Prize Draw.

Additional TermsNot applicable

Terms and conditions

  1. These terms and the Schedule form the Conditions of Entry for this Promotion, and set out all of the information you need to know regarding this Promotion. Capitalised terms have the meaning given in the Schedule, unless otherwise stated. If there's any inconsistency between these terms and the Schedule, then what's in the Schedule is correct. By submitting your entry, you agree that these Conditions of Entry apply to your entry.
  2. The promoter is TAFE Queensland (ABN 72 898 805 093), of Level 9, 133 Mary St Brisbane 4000 ('Promoter', 'we', 'us').
  3. Any updates to these Conditions of Entry will be subject to regulatory approval, and will be published on our website, so it's important to check these Conditions of Entry regularly.

  1. The eligibility requirements for this Promotion are set out in the Entry Restrictions. Directors, managers, employees, officers, agents and contractors of the Promoter, and their immediate families (ie spouse, partner, parent, grandparent, natural or adopted child, and sibling (whether natural or adopted by a parent) are ineligible to enter.

  1. To enter, you must follow the Entry Procedure.
  2. We will not accept entries which are incomplete, illegible, or which are generated by computers or other automated means.
  3. We reserve the right to disqualify your entry in the event of non-compliance with these Conditions of Entry or if, in our reasonable opinion, you tamper or interfere with an entry mechanism in any way.
  4. If the Promotion cannot run for reasons beyond our control (for example, infection by computer virus, mobile network failure, bugs, tampering, unauthorised intervention, fraud, or technical failures), we reserve the right to cancel, suspend, modify or terminate the Promotion (subject to regulatory approval). If that happens, we'll select a winner from eligible entries received at the time.
  5. All decisions made by us regarding any aspect of the Promotion are final, and no correspondence will be entered into.

  1. The prize(s) are set out in the Prize Details and are subject to any restrictions specified in the Prize Restrictions/Exclusions. Prize values are accurate as at the commencement date of the Promotion. Any variation after that date is beyond our control. All costs, fees, charges or expenses associated with the prize(s), which are not specified in the Schedule, are the responsibility of the winner(s).
  2. Prizes are not transferable, exchangeable or redeemable for cash. If for any reason a prize is not available, we will substitute it for another prize of equal or higher value (in our discretion), subject to regulatory approval.

  1. Draw Details are set out in the Schedule. We will notify winners, and publish their names, in accordance with the Notification and Publication of Winners information set out in the Schedule.

  1. Unless otherwise stated in the Schedule, prizes will either be posted using the address information provided by the winner or are to be collected by the winner in person (at the Promoter’s absolute discretion). Where a prize is posted, winners should allow up to four weeks for delivery. We accept no responsibility for any lost, delayed or misdirected mail, or any damage to prizes caused in transit.
  2. If (having made reasonable efforts) we cannot contact a prize winner, or if any prize is not accepted or claimed by the Prize Claim Date, we will conduct an Unclaimed Prize Draw (subject to any directions given by relevant gaming authorities).
  3. We will notify winners of any Unclaimed Prize Draw, and publish their names, in accordance with the Unclaimed Prize Draw details specified in the Schedule.
  4. At our request, prize winners (and their companion(s), if applicable) must sign (or ensure that their parent/guardian signs) an indemnity and exclusion of liability form provided by us. If a winner (or their parent/guardian) does not sign that form within the time specified by us, they will not be able to participate and that winner's entry or prize claim will be declared invalid. If a winner's entry is declared invalid prior to the Prize Claim Date, we may select a new winner in accordance with the Unclaimed Prize Draw.
  5. If you are a winner, you are responsible for your use of the prize, including complying with all relevant laws and any applicable terms and conditions of use.

  1. On submission, entries become the property of the Promoter. By entering this Promotion, you consent to us using your entry in any media for an unlimited period without compensation for the purpose of promoting this Promotion (including any outcome), and promoting any products manufactured, distributed and/or supplied by us.
  2. 19. By participating in this Promotion, you understand and agree that TAFE Queensland may use and disclose the personal information provided by you for the purpose of conducting the Promotion and for any of the purposes set out in TAFE Queensland’s Privacy Policy (available at or by emailing, which contains information about how you may access and seek correction of your personal information or complain about a breach of your privacy, and how TAFE Queensland will deal with that complaint. TAFE Queensland may also disclose your personal information to other parties, including TAFE Queensland’s third party service providers. From time to time, these third parties may be located (and so your personal information may be disclosed) overseas, including in India, the USA and the UK, and other countries from time to time. TAFE Queensland may use your personal information for direct marketing purposes, unless you opt out (which you can do at any time in accordance with TAFE Queensland’s Privacy Policy). You can request to access, update or correct any personal information we hold about you by writing to TAFE Queensland’s Privacy Officer at PO Box 16100 City East Qld 4002 or sending an email to
  3. If requested by us, each winner must participate in all promotional activity (such as publicity and photography) surrounding the winning of the prize, free of charge. If you are a winner, you consent to us using your name, likeness, image and/or voice (including photograph, film and/or recording of the same) in any media for an unlimited period without compensation for the purpose of promoting this Promotion (including any outcome), and promoting any products manufactured, distributed and/or supplied by us. If you are under 18 years of age, your parent or guardian must give us this consent on your behalf.

  1. We accept no responsibility for any problems or technical malfunction of any communication network or for any late, lost, incomplete, incorrectly submitted, delayed, illegible, corrupted or misdirected entries, claims or correspondence whether due to error, omission, alteration, tampering, deletion, theft, destruction, transmission interruption, communications failure or otherwise. We have no control over telephone communications, networks or lines and accept no responsibility for any problems associated with them, whether due to traffic congestion, technical malfunction or otherwise. We are not liable for any consequences of user error including any costs incurred.
  2. You acknowledge that there may be inherent risks in some aspects of the Promotion or the prize and that participation in the Promotion or the prize may involve participating in dangerous activities. By entering this Promotion and/or accepting the prize, you accept that risk for yourself and for your companion(s) (if applicable).
  3. You will be responsible for any tax liability associated with a prize.
  4. To the extent permitted by law, we will not be liable for any loss or damage whatsoever (including direct or consequential loss) or personal injury suffered or sustained in connection with the prizes or this Promotion. We accept no responsibility for any tax liabilities that may arise from winning a prize.
  5. We are not responsible for use of a prize which results in:
    1. loss that was not reasonably foreseeable;
    2. loss that was not caused by the our breach of these Conditions of Entry or by our negligence;
    3. business losses (such as lost data, lost profits or business interruptions) or loss suffered by non-consumers;
    4. losses caused by factors which could reasonably be considered to be outside our control (such as faults in third party equipment); and
    5. any loss caused, or contributed to, by an entrant's breach of these Conditions of Entry or an entrant's negligence.
  6. These Conditions of Entry are governed by the laws of Queensland.


Prize Draw 1: no eligible winners.

Prize Draw 2: Jack Fordham